Events across the country marking Down Syndrome Day

Events across the country marking Down Syndrome Day

Today, many events marking World Down Syndrome Day, which will be celebrated on Monday (21st), begin in Brazil. This year, the country will celebrate for the first time the National Down Syndrome Day, which has been marked the fourth of its kind also on the 21st.

One of the events scheduled for this weekend is the 11th International Symposium on Down Syndrome (trisomy 21), organized by the Center for Clinical Studies and Research of São Paulo (Cepec SP).

The topic of the symposium will be in full Online, are challenges and opportunities: suggestions and achievements. The goal is to present possibilities that guide familial, social, educational, and economic autonomy for people with Down syndrome, and to adapt content with scientific technical information about the latest developments involving the present and future of people with Down syndrome, including the COVID-19 pandemic. More information can be obtained In this Location.

The symposium will cover topics such as education, health, law, nutrition, physical activities, genetics, inclusion, independence, work and aging. Tomorrow (20), the Escola de Gente Foundation, in Rio de Janeiro, Claudia Wernick, will give a lecture with full access on the topic “Including communications. Will there be a legacy after the pandemic?”.

Today also will be announced He lives A charity event by Instituto Amor21, starting at 1 pm, at Maceió Shopping, in Alagoas, with the theme “What do you want to say inclusive?”. In addition to commemorating March 21, the goal is to draw the community’s attention to the importance of including people with disabilities through awareness. The Amore 21 Institute is made up of parents, relatives and friends of people with Down syndrome. It was founded in November 2014 and is affiliated with the Brazilian Federation of Down Syndrome Associations.

World Down Syndrome Day has been celebrated on March 21 since 2006, in reference to trisomy 21, because people with Down syndrome carry three chromosomes number 21, instead of two, like the others.


At Shopping Benfica, in Fortaleza, Instituto Compartilha and Taurus Engenharia are inaugurating today a series of activities titled “What do you want to say inclusivity?”. The goal is to make regulars out of Shopping Center Reflect on the importance of including people with Down syndrome, who need to be respected as independent and empowered individuals. The program includes workshops for the manufacture of parts in biscuit Jewelery for adults with Down syndrome, lectures, chats, storytelling, painting exhibitions, and artistic and cultural performances. There will also be a sale of products made by parents of people with Down’s.

The Down Syndrome Foundation in Campinas, in the interior of São Paulo, promotes the work of everyone the Foundation helps and society in general. Activities aimed exclusively at the institution’s audience include Ateliê Aberto, with four workshops on artistic techniques. This Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., in Praça do Coco, in Barão Geraldo, the “Qual É a Sua Cara?” event , open to the general public, which includes a stamp workshop, in which children, youth and adults will be able to put their imaginations to work, create characters and even create a self-portrait.

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People of any age can participate. Only children under 8 years old must be accompanied by adults. The purpose of the event is to get residents to think of prejudice against people based solely on physical appearance.


In Marica, Rio de Janeiro, the City Hall opens on Saturday at Lagoa de Araçatiba the Down Syndrome Week program, which runs until Friday (25). From 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., the Secretariat for Social Assistance offers ways to interact for a target audience, such as a modified Polynesian canoe, tricycle, yoga, stretching, and a circuit. The action is a partnership with the Empresto Minhas Pernas project, from civil society organization Rede Cicle, which makes people with disabilities enjoy physical or mental independence through interaction with volunteers at sports practices.

According to Marica’s Minister of Social Assistance, Jorge Castor, the goal is to encourage professionals to turn their attention to the common changes in various disabilities and to show that a person with Down can interact with others, exercise, dance and play. It is a social inclusion event. On Wednesday (23), at 9 a.m., the first science flight T21 begins, focusing on the genetic condition of the trisomy of chromosome 21, known as Down syndrome.

The trip provides for the exchange of knowledge, through lectures and experiences, between specialists from the network, such as speech therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists and nutritionists, people with the syndrome and family members. Registration for the trip is open, but places are limited to 70 participants. Registration is free and will be done until the 22nd or until vacancies are filled. at this address. The trip will be at Vasoras University, Campus Marica, will present a testimony.

Down Syndrome Week ends on Friday with the screening of the movie Chromosome 21at the Rotary Club of Marica, at 2 p.m.


Down Syndrome International, the UK-based entity responsible for observing World Down Syndrome Day, invites people with Down Syndrome to participate in World Down Syndrome Day events at the United Nations in New York (US) and Geneva (Switzerland). ). Anyone who wants can send videos to Location for the entity Say what’s implied. At the New York event, people without Down syndrome can also participate.

chromosome love

On Mondays, from 6 pm to 7 pm, the University of Guarulhos in São Paulo promotes the event Online Love chromosome – find out to include. The programme, which will be broadcast on the university’s YouTube channel, includes topics such as awareness of rights, inclusion and well-being and the importance of monitoring educational assistance and will make suggestions for activities that can be done at home.

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Foz do Iguaçu, in Paraná, will be promoting Monday through Friday for the third week for people with Down syndrome. The event, which will be virtual and will include lectures on inclusive education, is part of the extension activities carried out by professors at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila). The goal is to lead educators, health professionals, and the general public to understand the rights of people with Down syndrome in terms of education, health, quality of life and work, as well as to combat prejudice against people.

The event is open to all interested parties and will provide a certificate to those who register and sign the attendance list on the day of each activity. The broadcast will be on YouTube, and registered people will receive E-mail With information to access the virtual room. Entries can be made here.

From the 21st to the 23rd of this month, the Special Secretariat for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Limbios Institute, located in the state of São Paulo, are open for registration for the event. Online And don’t forget World Down Syndrome Day. Under the slogan “Down Syndrome (T21), the chromosome that unites us”, the virtual meeting will be broadcast on the Instituto Limbios YouTube channel. According to the organization, the importance of early reception and stimulation for the full development of people with Down syndrome, from diagnosis to adulthood, will be discussed. Entries can be made by this E-mail Or by calling (14) 3732-8844.

round shaped table

On Monday, in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, the Ministry of Education will hold a roundtable, starting at 2 p.m., at City Hall, prompting residents to consider Down syndrome in the Todos por uma Macaé Inclusive project. To participate, interested parties must register at Location From Carolina Garcia Teacher Training Center. The goal is to discuss inclusion and promote discussion of alternatives to increase social visibility for people with Down syndrome.

The Secretariat for Inclusion of Ourinhos, in São Paulo, has also set the date for the first update, a special event to celebrate the start of World Down Syndrome Day, for Monday. The measure was decided at a city council meeting with the Association of Parents and Friends Outstanding (Apae). The event will be in the Faculdade Estácio de Sá de Ourinhos, starting at 3pm. The program includes a table with people with Down syndrome and a dance show.

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For Inclusion Secretary Cayo Lima, the event will give more clarity to the cause of people with Down. “Ourinhos today is a reference in welcoming and inclusion of people with disabilities. The proof of this is the fact that many people with Down syndrome work in the municipal administration, where they play an important role and are a reference for all of us.”


From the 21st to the 27th of this month, Pelotas, in Rio Grande do Sul, is promoting Down Syndrome Awareness and Orientation Week. The event, organized by the City Council, will feature many actors, lectures and workshops over seven days of programming. The departments of social assistance, health, education and sports in Pelotas cooperate in the organization. Among the activities planned are the creation of a welcome network based on face-to-face meetings with primary health care teams, panel discussions and discussions on the topic “Do you know what inclusion is?” In addition to drawing in schools. Municipalities are in blue and yellow, referring to the theme.

Also in Rio Grande do Sul, the Association of Parents, Relatives and Friends of People with Down Syndrome, in Santa Maria, is holding the “We are more than T21” exhibition at Monet Plaza Shopping. The exhibition combines items made by children, youth and adults with the syndrome and photographs of the association’s affiliates. The exhibition is in room 90 of Mall Until April 1st, visitation is free.

In Porto Ferreira, São Paulo, Sest / Senat will be promoting the second edition of Municipal Down Syndrome Awareness Week on March 28, 29 and 30. The event will be open to the public, and the event will be held in person, starting at 7:30 pm, following hygiene and social distancing measures with participants wearing masks.

There will be three nights of lectures with professionals from different fields of activity and also with testimonies from relatives of people with the syndrome. The full program will be launched in the coming days, on the official channels of the Porto Ferreira Municipal Building. To participate, you will need to register in advance using the form Online Available here.

This week is the result of a partnership between the departments of Education, Health, Social Development and Citizenship, along with the community, that seeks to discuss inclusion, respect, and combating prejudice against people with Down syndrome.

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About the Author: Lizzie Gray

"Lifelong web fan. Incurable internet junkie. Avid bacon guru. Social media geek. Reader. Freelance food scholar."

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