The doctor decides to end Eriksen’s career: “Will someone ever let him die again?” | football

The doctor decides to end Eriksen's career: "Will someone ever let him die again?"  |  football


Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen, who suffered a cardiac arrest on Saturday during the European Nations Cup match against Finland, had no previous illnesses. This information was confirmed by his former Tottenham doctor, Sanjay Sharma, who considered that he had died for “a few minutes” and that “his football career may be over”.

“Obviously something went terribly wrong. But they managed to get it back. The question is what happened and why. This guy had normal tests until 2019, so how can this cardiac arrest be explained?” Sports Cardiology at St. George’s University of London PA News.

(See the professional photos of the player from Denmark)

The Inter Milan player fainted in the 43rd minute at the Parken Stadium. He had cardiopulmonary arrest and was seen by doctors in the park, and they tried to resuscitate him for about 15 minutes. He was not transferred to the hospital until his condition stabilized. He is in the hospital, stable and conscious.

Sharma, who worked with Eriksen during the Dane’s stay at Tottenham (2013-2020), said the fact that the player was aware was a “very good sign”. But, in his opinion, when it comes to playing again, he’s a pessimist:

“I don’t know if he will ever play football again. Honestly, he died today, even for a few minutes, but he did. Will a medical professional allow him to die again? The answer is no. The good news is that he will live. The bad news is that his career is nearing Its end. If he is going to play another professional football match I cannot say that; in the UK he has not played, we would be very strict,” concluded Sharma, who chairs the FA Cardiology Experts Group (FAN).

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The Danish national team doctor, Morten Possen, confirmed the information that he had suffered cardiac arrest, at a press conference on Sunday. Buzyn said Eriksen went into cardiac arrest and therefore needed a CPR maneuver.

According to Buzyn, Eriksen is stable: “The situation is good under these conditions. I spoke to Christian several times and he spoke to the players. He will continue to be monitored, and the exams are apparently, apparently.”

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About the Author: Lizzie Gray

"Lifelong web fan. Incurable internet junkie. Avid bacon guru. Social media geek. Reader. Freelance food scholar."

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