Windows has a hidden option to restart your computer in emergency situations

Windows has a hidden option to restart your computer in emergency situations

There is an emergency restart shortcut in Windows that you probably don’t know. The secret mechanism called Emergency Reboot has apparently been in the system since Windows Vista and can help restart your computer when everything “freezes”.

The tool is in the classic menu Ctrl + Alt + Delbut it is not clearly indicated: On this screen, the key must be pressed control And click on the power icon in the lower right corner. Immediately, the screen will display the “Emergency Reset” warning.

However, appealing to an emergency restart has consequences: the system is completely shut down, so all unsaved progress will be lost. If your computer freezes while you’re working on an important document and you haven’t recorded the latest changes, the news is cleared.

When an emergency reset is triggered, the user can cancel the process by selecting the ‘Cancel’ option, so there is still time to rethink the decision.

Another option is to restart the computer

This addition is just another convenience for the user, who might consider a Windows alternative to using the PC’s physical on/off button to restart everything. In principle, rebooting through Windows is safer for the computer, since the operating system is prepared for the function.

It’s obvious that the Windows drive is not working if your computer is completely frozen or has a hardware problem. The hidden solution is suitable for resolving cases such as interface freezes, crashes in programs placed in full screen mode, or other occasions when the Start menu is inaccessible, but the system is still responding in some way.

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So, did you like this discovery? Do you know the shortcut to emergency restart Windows?

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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