3 Dairy products rich in calcium, minerals and probiotics

3 Dairy products rich in calcium, minerals and probiotics

Milk and dairy products have long been known as essential sources of calcium and minerals in a balanced diet. However, the new benefits of some dairy products have drawn attention because of their effect, as with probiotics, that increase gut health. So stay tuned for the best foods Dairy products For digestive health.

Milk, the most complete food

Discover the huge impact dairy products can have on your health:

1. Milk as a rich source of benefits

Milk’s association with health is ancient and comes from its rich composition of calcium, minerals and sugars, being essential to the development and maintenance of a healthy body, especially for young children.

However, recent research and ancient recipes link fermented milk derivatives with more health benefits, especially for the digestive system.

This system is essential for the proper functioning of the body, it is responsible for the breakdown and absorption of a wide variety of compounds.

A complex network of microorganisms is associated with it, which in their natural state, in addition to being harmless to human health, still help in some body processes.

Because it facilitates the absorption of nutrients and medicines, as well as the manufacture of vitamins. Therefore, maintaining these microbes is essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Therefore, the foods obtained from the fermentation of milk are mainly responsible for this substitution, since they are considered probiotics, that is, they contain live microorganisms.

The 3 best probiotics for digestive health

Among the various dairy products with a probiotic effect, these three stand out:

  • kefir Created thousands of years ago, this food gained popularity in the West after it was proven to be beneficial and easy to produce at home. It is made from milk fermentation and has an active microbiota associated with improving gut health and immunity;
  • Yogurt cup A cup of yogurt, which is widely known and appreciated by children, is a rich source of probiotics. Its creamy texture, compared to packaged yogurt, is due precisely to the pollination process. This process allows for fermentation throughout the entire storage process, so when the consumer opens it, the yogurt is a rich source of probiotics;
  • fermented milk – As the name suggests and as the famous Yakult advertisement confirms, fermented milk is rich in Lactobacillus microorganisms, as well as other microorganisms that have important regulatory actions in our body.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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