Understand why rice and beans are better than popular diets, including weight loss

Currently, there are several diet options: From the Mediterranean, dash, mind, ketogenic, among other things. However, among the many options, which one is most suitable for Brazilians? The answer is simple and straightforward: rice and beans.

Good old rice and beans, as it may sound, provide all the nutritional base an individual needs, explains Vanderlei Marchiore, a member of the Brazilian Society for Food and Nutrition.

“When we combine rice with beans, a little more beans than rice, we have a very balanced amount of carbohydrates and proteins that are the basis of our diet,” he explains.

Rice, by itself, is low in protein, so it won’t make you feel full and you’ll feel hungry quickly. On the other hand, when you consume beans alone, they will give you satiety, but there will be a lack of carbohydrates to adjust for your calorie needs for the day.

Taking into account essential nutrients such as fat, fat, protein and carbohydrates, rice and beans are nutritious options.

The right amount for each person will depend on several factors, such as gender, height, and age. Young people, for example, consume more energy, so they need a larger portion of the pair.

“For a Brazilian woman with an average lifespan of 30 years and 1.60 meters, it would be close to three tablespoons of rice with a large shell of beans,” says the nutritionist.

If we consider the general pattern, according to Vanderley, the correct part is one part of rice to two parts of beans; For example, two tablespoons of rice and four tablespoons of beans.

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a Food guide How to eat healthyfrom the Ministry of Health, Brazilians also recommend eating beans and rice daily, or at least five times a week.

The document states, “This Brazilian dish is a complete blend of proteins and is beneficial for health.” Among the recommendations is a variety of bean type (black, kariokinha, green and white, for example) and method of preparation.

However, even if the duo provide what the body needs, to be truly complete, according to the nutritionist, “it will always need vegetables to make up the extra combination of vitamins and minerals.”

To achieve the gold standard, rice and beans can be supplemented with an egg – poached or poached or a low-fat omelet – and a good salad with any vegetables available.

We can make it from cabbage, for example, which yields a lot, or with grated carrots. But, if you’re someone who can really eat a more varied salad, we can alternate between lettuce, arugula, spinach, tomatoes, and carrots, among others, Vanderley recommends.

The professional says that the most complete meal is “rice plus beans, with 100 grams of fish or chicken, or two eggs, and a large portion of raw salad of different colors.”

Vegetables are very important, because they are responsible for regulating metabolism – the regulation of each cell. Its deficiency can cause fatigue, hair loss and weak nails, for example.

The dish can also be combined with passion fruit or lemon juice and water, which is a staple in any diet.

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Rice and beans are not just a balanced and nutritious option; It can also be used as a weight loss strategy.

“The calorific value of rice and beans, when combined, is well suited to a larger meal, such as lunch or dinner, and rich in fiber, because beans contain a lot of fiber,” the specialist told.

Vanderley also notes that “Brazilians started gaining weight from the moment they took rice and beans off their plate. The increase in obesity rates correlates with the Household Budget Survey, which shows lower consumption of beans, beans and rice by the population.”

One British Journal of the Study of Nutritionpublished this year, also assessed, based on a systematic review, what may be driving the increase in global rates of childhood overweight.

The researchers found that the growth was “due to intense advertising practices, lower prices for high-calorie foods, and increased energy consumption — children and teens have immediate access to ultra-processed foods at snack bars and fast food outlets near their homes and school.”

The results show that all age groups may be increasingly removing rice and beans from the plate.

* Trainee in R7 Under the supervision of Carla Canteras

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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