Published on 03/10/2022 17:58

(Credit: Ana Rayssa/Ep. CB/DA Press)
slowly, Monkeypox continues to progress in the Federal District. This Monday (3/10), the Department of Health (SES-DF) reported four positive diagnoses of the disease. The district agency publishes information on Mondays and Thursdays only.
In the federal capital, 278 victims have contracted the virus since July 8 – the start of monitoring. Regarding those diagnosed, 267 are male and only 11 are female. The Secretariat Bulletin, which was published around five o’clock in the evening, concluded that more than others cases It is found in the age group from 20 to 39 years.
Finally, the Health Authority excluded 601 cases that were under investigation through laboratory tests. In all, DF has 221 suspected patients under evaluation.
Balance by region
In this way, the newsletter revealed that experimental aircraft Connect with the largest number of infected people, with a total of 55 so far. The administrative region has 33 cases under investigation.
Next, guas Claras held the second place with 34 cases, followed by Samambaia (23), Ceilândia (20) and Guará with 19 citizens who tested positive for monkeypox.