Does Google always know where I am? Yes, but here’s how to turn it off

Does Google always know where I am?  Yes, but here’s how to turn it off

If you are a user of Google services, know that the company stores a huge amount of information about you and your location. However, there is a way to find and clear most of this data. Learn how to disable tracking.

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To find out what Google knows about you, you can visit the company’s My Activity website ( Log in to the page to access information about you. It is recommended to do this from the computer for a better view.

The home page will show you an overview of everything you’ve done on Google services, from the Chrome browser to your searches and using other apps. The history is so detailed that when you select the “Schedule” option, you can see the exact time you were in a particular place.

Specific information collected by Google Maps includes searches you’ve made, map areas you’ve viewed, offline maps you’ve opened, tracks you’ve searched for, and more.

Here’s how to disable Google tracking your location

Clearing data and browsing history is very simple. Most importantly, you have several options for doing so. You can delete data one by one, a group of data referring to a specific period (such as “today”), or delete all information.

Google warns that deletion of data may affect the future effectiveness of using its services. For example, the company provides map navigation options and faster search results thanks to the data it already has about you.

If you want to delete your entire location history, you can follow these steps: (1) access your Google Maps timeline via a browser, (2) click “Delete” and (3) follow the onscreen instructions. Likewise, it is possible to exclude a particular day from the location history or a particular stop.

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If you want to avoid Google collecting your data frequently and not have to go through this process over and over again, there is a solution. On the same Activity page, you can select whether your account or devices can record location history. At the top of the page, you can enable or disable the “Location History” item.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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