Why does a Coldplay fan’s hand wrinkle after 8 hours of rain – 09/12/2022

Why does a Coldplay fan's hand wrinkle after 8 hours of rain - 09/12/2022

A Coldplay fan shared a photo of her on Twitter. The hand is completely wrinkled after, after Band performance at Rock in Riolast Saturday (9).

In the post, Clarice Saldanha says she spent about eight hours in the rain during the festival’s performances. “The despair was real but I’m going to do it all over again, the best day of my life,” he wrote.

“I stayed from 8 pm to 3/4 am drenched in rain and cold, when the show ended, we left the network and the adrenaline dropped, I felt sick and almost fainted, rock in rio He took me to the bus in a wagon, and then when I looked at my hand it was like this,” he explained.

She also posted a new photo of her now natural hand, as well as a video of her standing near the stage while it rained heavily.

Why does the hand wrinkle so much?

The answer to this mechanism lies in the formation of the skin. The organ has several layers that are always renewed, and in the last layer, known as the epidermis, dead cells are concentrated, rich in fats and with a large amount of keratin. When exposed to water for a long time, these materials get wet and come off, causing wrinkles to appear.

on me study Conducted at the University of Newcastle in Great Britain, the researchers suggested a functional use of this trait, noting that this skin reaction is due to evolution.

Scientists conducted an experiment with some volunteers who had to pick up marble balls dipped in a bucket of water with one hand and pass them with the other, in order to put them in another place.

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At the end of the experiment, the scientists found that volunteers with wrinkled fingers completed the test faster than people with smooth and dry fingers. They suggest that wrinkling of the fingers made it easier to handle underwater objects, which may have been an advantage for early humans foraging in the wild.

*With information from a report published in 20/7/21.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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