The transvestite communicator is directing a documentary by the Department of Health about the Kiss nightclub

The transvestite communicator is directing a documentary by the Department of Health about the Kiss nightclub

I wrote in Brazil he

Next Thursday (2), the Ministry of Health will release the trailer for the documentary “Saúde no Limite da Dor” directed by transvestite Taya Carneiro. The work deals with the Unified Health System (SUS) response to the Nightclub Kiss emergency, in Santa Maria (RS), which completes 10 years this coming January 27.

Carneiro manages the Public Health Emergency Department’s Strategic Communication Projects Area of ​​the Ministry of Health. “I feel like it’s a victory for us to be able to occupy this space and show that transgender and transgender women have so much to contribute to the development of the country. Releasing the documentary trailer on a date so close to Trans Vision Day and with a mostly LGBTI+ cast makes it even more special,” she says. Says.

Taya holds a degree in Organizational Communication from the University of Brasilia, a master’s degree in Social Communication from Union National Bank, and in Global Media and Politics from Goldsmiths College, University of London, in the UK. As a professional, she has worked as a House Communicator, at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and at United Nations agencies such as UNFPA and Unaids.

The documentary has the format of a three-episode series. The first records the mobilization of the SUS in the first hours after the fire, the arrival of the SUS national force and the importance of having the authorities in place, such as former President Dilma Rousseff and former Health Minister Alexandre Padilha, in order to communicate with other government sectors, including the armed forces. The second episode presents the reception of the relatives of the victims, as it highlights the moment of identifying the corpses and the transfer of the antidote to the poisonous cyanide gas that caused many deaths in the nightclub. The third episode focuses on lessons learned, and describes the importance of a longitudinal care strategy, contingency plans, and prevention so that such episodes do not recur.

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Director Taya Carneiro during the recordings (Disclosure)

The fire at the Kiss nightclub was a sign of Brazilian public health by seeking care in a complex and high-speed network. Among the most prominent reports of the respondents was the description of the work that was done in the hospitals, which resulted in the rescue of 97.5% of the victims referred to them, and the scenes of the largest air medical transport in the world until then.

The full series will be available on MOH social media in March and will also serve as teaching material for the Public Health Emergency Training Program (Profesp) Complex Biological Emergencies course.

data sheet:


Taya Carneiro

Executive production:

Daniela Busey

Gabriel Galli

Louisa Moterani

production assistant:

Christina Bernardes

Marcia Pereira


Gabriel Galli

Taya Carneiro


Gabriel Galli

Art Direction:

Louisa Moterani

Saulo Dal Pozo

Taya Carneiro

Title design:

Louisa Moterani

Shooting direction:

Saulo Dal Pozo

Thales Alves

Photography assistant:

Alan Orlando

Alexandro Pedrollo de Oliveira

Marcus Borba

Nellie Mombeli

Thales Alves


Gabriel Galli

live voice:

Alan Orlando

Alexandro Pedrollo de Oliveira

Joao Vitor Correa

Marcus Borba

Nellie Mombeli


Saulo del Pozzo

Taya Carneiro


Saulo Dal Pozo

Taya Carneiro

Movement design:

Saulo Dal Pozo


Daniel Lopez

Audio recording:

Gabriel Terra

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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