iFood and Uber Freelancers Have Minimum Rights, TST President Says |  Economie

iFood and Uber Freelancers Have Minimum Rights, TST President Says | Economie

Pedro Knuth TST chief says self-employed iFood and Uber have minimal rights Self-employed workers from companies like Uber, iFood and 99 have the right to appear in court if they…

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Paulo Freire influenced health workers for 5 decades and inspired the fight to create SUS

Paulo Freire influenced health workers for 5 decades and inspired the fight to create SUS

The legacy of the Pernambuco thinker, who turns 100 next Sunday (19), is not limited to the field of education Modification Support 247 Economy Club Daniel Giovannaz and Anna Paula…

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Unimed to plant 100 trees in Pelotas |  general

Unimed to plant 100 trees in Pelotas | general

Unimed had already planted 50 trees in June (Photo: J Folha – DP) Next Tuesday, September 21, 2021, Unimed Pelotas / RS will plant 100 trees in Trs Vendas, the…

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Astronomers determine the formula for life on Earth in the nursery of the planets

Astronomers determine the formula for life on Earth in the nursery of the planets

Published 16/09/2021 06:00 Technical impression of gas and dust in a protoplanetary disk: a region with chemical conditions that gave rise to life on Earth – (credit: M. Weiss/Center for…

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Bahia dismisses a family after the number of people infected with Covid-19 decreased in the state |  Bahia

Bahia dismisses a family after the number of people infected with Covid-19 decreased in the state | Bahia

The Bahia Health Department (Cesap) has already laid off 1,657 beds for Covid-19 patients after the number of infected people in the state decreased. The health agency claims that most…

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UK government criticizes rapper Nicki Minaj’s comments on vaccines – International

UK government criticizes rapper Nicki Minaj’s comments on vaccines – International

At a press conference to present his government’s new plans against COVID-19, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke about rapper Nicki Minaj and his cousin’s friend’s testicles. The 38-year-old American…

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MPs demand changes to elective surgeries at SUS – News

MPs demand changes to elective surgeries at SUS – News

09/14/2021 – 20:34 Deputies of the Chamber’s Social Security and Family Committee, Tuesday (14), demanded changes to the model for managing elective surgeries by the Unified Health System (SUS). The…

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The British government announces a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine – News

The British government announces a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine – News

The UK government announced this Tuesday (14) that an additional dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 For people over 50 years of age, health workers, asylum workers, as a means…

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Hermann pirates? Invasion of the Anvisa website for sharing samples of the Argentine flag

The website of Anvisa (the national health watchdog) was attacked by hackers on Wednesday, the eighth, and the attackers’ work, at least, was very direct: instead of the space allotted…

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Subsidiary Nanoracks wants to grow food in a tropical greenhouse

Subsidiary Nanoracks wants to grow food in a tropical greenhouse

Nanoracks, a company that provides commercial access to space, has announced a new expansion. It’s called Star Lab Oasis, and the subsidiary is headquartered in the UAE and receives support…

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