How DataTech is preventing thieves in the UK

How DataTech is preventing thieves in the UK

Datatag is a state-of-the-art multi-level anti-theft system for motorbikes that makes things more difficult for ‘friends of others’ operating in the UK.

How do criminals operate in the British Isles? Without shame, modesty, fear, or humanity, we watch hooded thieves with wireless radios steal the motorbikes of our British colleagues in broad daylight, singly or in groups.

The Datac motorcycle identification system is not new. This anti-theft device has, in fact, been used in the United Kingdom since April 1992. Currently, the brand says there are more than half a million motorcycles in the UK protected by Datatag.

How does anti-theft work?

An efficient datatag anti-theft system is based on electronic transponders that provide a unique electronic “fingerprint” to the motorcycle’s key components. Additionally, the system uses “stealth” chemical etching and includes hundreds of datadots for tiny components.

Therefore, it is practically impossible to erase all traces of the system while conveniently installed on the bike. In fact, there are many smaller and more difficult to find, identify and recover a stolen motorcycle as there is always one left.

The datatag system allows police to identify the true owner of any “datatagged” vehicle, even if the registration and standard identification numbers have been removed or altered. In fact, Datatag has an enviable success rate and criminals are well aware that the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) has never lost a court case where Datatag was used as evidence.

Thieves who see the datatag warning stickers tend to leave the bike alone. Yes, it is. They always stop the offense and look for an easy target.

Don’t ignore the obvious

Brand is adamant that technology helps a lot in fighting crime, but people need to be proactive, use common sense and not ignore the obvious. So, out of curiosity, they say:

“We have run campaigns in the past to encourage the simple use of locks and chains. Many people would be surprised how many people simply park their bike thinking that locking the steering wheel can prevent theft. And they continue: “We have recently been working with the police at Brands Hatch. Checking that the VIN and engine numbers of the bikes matched, and that the datatag numbers matched the correct engine, we found no fewer than 10 sets of keys in the helmet or rear compartment locks. These bikes are very easy for thieves.

As we can see, not giving up the key seems to be the first line of defense for the British. Second, don’t rely too much on blocking.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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