Do you want prosperity in life? Avoid this bag color; It attracts poverty like a magnet!

Do you want prosperity in life?  Avoid this bag color;  It attracts poverty like a magnet!

Do you already know feng shui? It is an ancient practice that focuses on balancing the environment with the energies that surround us. Believe it or not, even the color of your bag can directly affect your personality Luck and financial situation. Interesting, isn't it? Well, there is a color of the bag that, according to this tradition, attracts poverty like a magnet. Of course, no one wants that in life, right? So, let's find out which color to avoid and why.

The color you should pass on

Although it may seem like just a matter of personal taste, the color of your bag, according to Feng Shui, can directly impact your financial prosperity. The color that has gained a bad reputation is Salmon. Yes, this is correct! Contrary to what many may think, it is not black, but salmon that can bring negative energy into your pocket.

Why salmon?

In feng shui, each color is associated with specific elements and energies. It is associated with salmon for a reason Losses and shortages. Who would have thought that such a trendy color could have such a downside, right? But don't worry, there are more colors in the rainbow and in feng shui too.

Colors that attract prosperity

Now that you know which color to avoid, how about we talk about colors that can bring good energy to your financial life? Colors such as red, which is considered a symbol of luck and success; Golden, which represents wealth. Green, associated with growth and renewal, is seen as great allies for those seeking prosperity.

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Choose the appropriate color

So, when choosing your next bag, it might be a good idea to try red, gold, or green. Think of it as an investment in your luck and money. In addition to being fashionable, you will align your energies with the vibrations of prosperity.

Therefore, when choosing a bag or any other accessory, think about what Feng Shui says. Who knows, maybe this is just the little push you need to change your luck?

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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