How can the habit of eating at night increase the chances of depression?

How can the habit of eating at night increase the chances of depression?

A recent study conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, USA revealed an interesting fact. In fact, more than interesting, the information triggers many alerts to people. According to research, eating at night or early in the morning can increase the risk of developing mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

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It should be noted that some previous studies also showed changes in sleep, cardiovascular rhythm, bowel flow and other functions of the human body. Eating at night is becoming an activity that is increasingly forbidden by health researchers.

The body does not adapt well to the change of day and night

It should be noted that the effect of light on certain frequencies, such as those emitted by the sun, directly affects the biological clock. The body understands when to sleep and when to wake up through enlightenment. Therefore, it has been proven that changing day and night is not good for health, even though many people do it often.

Therefore, the night period is best to do comfort Of body and mind, they are not best suited for meals, especially heavier ones. The new US study monitored 19 volunteers for weeks. Half of the group was instructed to eat at night, while the other part ate their meals during the day. Nutrient and calorie consumption has been standardized.

People who started eating at night had a 26% increase in traits related to depression and a 16% increase in traits related to anxiety. The moods of the volunteer group who maintained the diet during the day did not fluctuate.

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It is worth noting that the reasons depression Because of unregulated meal times. However, many research shows that eating at night and not maintaining a standard routine is detrimental to anyone’s mental health.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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