Wanessa asks for mistakes in music and talks about Afrobetization

Wanessa asks for mistakes in music and talks about Afrobetization
Wanessa Camargo says she was bombarded after BBB 24 Photo: Alexander Pugh/Disclosure

Wanessa is also considering leaving the BBB:

I was bombarded with information and demands. I needed time to organize myself and understand the magnitude of everything that had happened. I am aware of my speeches and positions, but I believe in reconstruction through dialogue. Gentlemen of idealism, I present to you the new Wanessa: imperfect, who acknowledges her mistakes, but acknowledges her values ​​and history.

“Caça Like”, which will be premiered as a surprise to fans tonight, is a song composed by Wanessa, Nai, Gavi, Daniel Ferreira and Marco Lima, and produced by CANETARIA.

Watch the lyrics of the new song:

letter: Perfect gentlemen. Ask permission to make mistakes. I know it's hard. But I want to talk without anyone interrupting me. Sorry to inform you, but I'm going to be upset. Fasten your belts. We're about to disagree. He was so innocent that he bit the apple. Whether you mess up or not, you will be the villain. Puppets, of those who rule. Behind the screen it's very easy to become a monster. Catch like, catch the noise, catch you, catch me. If you are against the game, you lose! Not everyone is a hater, but always a hater. He drank a lot and never quenched his thirst. What you say about me says more about you. Who are you when no one is watching?

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