Viking Times Gold and quartz jar found in UK with secret message (photos)

Viking Times Gold and quartz jar found in UK with secret message (photos) 20752475.html

Viking Times Gold and quartz jar found in UK with secret message (photos)

Viking Times Gold and quartz jar found in UK with secret message (photos)

A high quality artifact used during the Anglo-Saxon period has been discovered in the UK, including Sputnik in Brazil, 20.12.2021 …

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United Kingdom




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According to the National Museum of Scotland, researchers in the UK have recovered gold and quartz jars that were part of various objects from the Viking’s era. Preserved materials include “unique material of quartz and gold”. According to the National Museum of Scotland, the bottle has a glossy linen layer. Inside the suede bag with luxurious silk lining. To create a three-dimensional image of the object, more than 1,000 X-ray images had to be taken at different angles, “while preserving the integrity of the fragile tissue envelopes”. “The biggest surprise”, however, was that. A message on the radiograph read “HYGVALDEP: FAC: IUSS”. Elizabeth Oshoka of the University College of Cork in the Republic of Ireland confirmed this: “It was ordained by Bishop Highgold. [isto] Many theories have been proposed as to who this person might be, but since then the museum considers it to be an unregistered bishop. Land was discovered in September 2014 in the UK, Scotland, Dumfries and Galloway.

United Kingdom


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United Kingdom, Archeology, Scotland, Viking

A high quality artifact used during the Anglo-Saxon period has been unearthed in England, with an inscription indicating the person who ordered it.

Researchers in the UK have recovered a jar of gold and quartz, which were part of a variety of materials from the Viking era. Reported National Museum of Scotland.
Arts and Humanities Research Council and University of Glasgow, UK, Announced The inventions, known as the Galloway Horde, preserved “silver and gold” and materials dated between the 670s and 900s, and included the “unique material of quartz and gold”.

According to the National Museum of Scotland, the bottle contains a shiny linen layer inside a suede bag with a luxurious silk lining. To create a three-dimensional image of an object, it is necessary to do and join 1,000 X-ray images from different angles, “When Protecting Weak Tissue Envelope Integrity”.

The “biggest surprise”, however, appeared to be a message engraved on the X-ray saying “HYGVALDEP: FAC: IUSS”. Elizabeth Oshoka of the University College of Cork in the Republic of Ireland confirmed this: “It was ordained by Bishop Highgold. [isto] Done “.

Various theories have been proposed as to who this person might be, but since then the museum considers it to be an unregistered bishop.

“The exceptional quality of the jewelry, this piece a Very high level workshop“The National Museum of Scotland notes that the vase and its contents were considered ritual objects during the Anglo-Saxon period.

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The Galloway Horde is a collection of artefacts of gold, silver, glass, crystal, stone and earthenware found in September 2014 in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, England.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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