Ultra processing to accelerate brain deterioration | capital Cities

Ultra processing to accelerate brain deterioration |  capital Cities

Most people Avoid eating ultra-processed foods Such as stuffed biscuits, French fries, ice cream and sweets for fear of obesity, but this should not be the only reason to avoid these meals.

According to a survey conducted by the University of São Paulo (USP), Published in the scientific journal Jama Neurology, which includes more than 10,000 people, eating too many processed snacks can affect brain function. The study showed that adults over the age of 50 eat a lot Ultra-processed foods (up to three-quarters of the diet), experienced neurological deterioration 28% faster than those who ate the least amount.

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The team behind the research believes that cytokines, which are inflammatory proteins produced by the body and can be triggered by sugary foods, are responsible for accelerating cognitive decline. Ultra-processed foods contain excessive amounts of sugar, salt, and saturated fat.


10,775 volunteers were recruited between 2008 and 2019, and the candidates were between the ages of 35 and 74. During the course of the study, the participants were tested several times to assess the change of their mental faculties.

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They must report what they ate and drank the day before the tests. Assessments consisted of a simple memory recall check, and an executive function test to measure an individual’s vocabulary.

The foods were divided into three groups: The first was unprocessed or minimally processed foods. The second is processed foods, which use compounds to preserve the natural ingredients. And in the third group was the ultra-processed group, which uses additives not found in home-cooked meals.

The volunteers were divided into four groups based on the amount of highly processed food they ate. One consisted of people who ate the least highly processed foods (the amount did not reach a fifth of their diet).

In the placebo group, the consumption of processed foods accounted for 20 to 27% of the volunteers’ diet. in the third group from 27 to 34%, and in the fourth group 73%.

The results revealed that the members of the fourth group had a rate of cognitive decline 28% faster than the members of the first group.

Their executive function declined 25% faster than the eight-year average, and memory scores decreased by 6%🇧🇷 Although the results don’t show much difference, the doctor who authored the study, Natalia Gomez-Gonçalves, recommends reducing your intake of ultra-processed foods.

According to her, neuroimaging studies showed that excessive consumption of industrial, refined, and sugary foods was associated with decreased left hippocampus, and decreased gray matter volume in cognitively healthy individuals.

the interview

However, independent experts warn that the research does not determine whether brain decline is caused by eating more ultra-processed foods. Nutrition expert Duane Mellor of Aston University in the UK says that while the study was important, it didn’t include information in the paper about intake of added sugar, salt and fat.

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Tests also do not show a direct relationship between ultra-processed foods and reduced cognition. According to the nutritionist, the observed effect was small. For him, the results may not have been due to excessive consumption of processed foods, but to the low intake of healthy foods by these participants.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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