Photo: Pedro Pegas (diary)
Seniors aged 70 or over and health professionals who were due to receive their second dose against Covid-19 this week and have not attended in the past few days should be informed. Policlinica José Erasmo Croceetti will receive these people on Mondays and Tuesdays from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. It is necessary to bring the vaccination card, photo ID and CPF.
The search revealed a conglomerate of about 100 people in Rua de Santa Maria
On Saturday morning, the city carried out vaccinations against Covid-19 in A second dose for health professionals at two locations in Santa Maria. Of the 1,082 expected to return, 1,058 attended. On Thursday, he was there Application for seniors aged 70 or over. On that day, 302 did not attend the event out of a total of 6,576 people who took the first dose.
According to the Ministry of Health, expectations indicate that a full vaccination after the second dose will occur approximately 15 days after vaccination. Additionally, even after a complete two-dose vaccination schedule, it is essential to continue to use a protective mask, alcohol gel, or hand hygiene with soap and water and avoid lumps.
- when? Apply the second dose
- Whose? Seniors 70 and over and health professionals who did not attend this week’s events
- Where? Jose Erasmo Croceite dispensary
- when? Mondays and Tuesdays from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm