They are found in a UK tank of World War II buried under 74 years old (video)

They are found in a UK tank of World War II buried under 74 years old (video)

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The tank of World War II was washed away and buried for 74 years by the great flood in a village in the United Kingdom.

A large WWII buffalo LVD-4 diabetic military vehicle was discovered after a British farmer hid it under a large layer in a Lincolnshire district field for more than seven decades. He writes Local media.

In 1947, the vehicle went missing during the Great Flood in Croland. A battalion of 16 tanks was used to build a makeshift dam at the time, however, five tanks were towed by water during the mission.

For the past three years, farmer Daniel Abbott has been scouring the area in an effort to locate two lost vehicles, until he finally finds one of them.

The removal of the 18-ton tank and burying it to a depth of about nine meters required the participation of a team of 50 people, in addition to heavy machinery.

“I couldn’t believe it, it was so emotional,” Abbott said.

In the video shared on social networks you can see the moment when the tank was lifted to the surface with the help of two vehicles.

To everyone’s surprise, the historic tank is in very good condition because it was covered with a large layer of clay.

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