The United Kingdom, Japan and four other countries say reducing patent time could harm Brazil.

The United Kingdom, Japan and four other countries say reducing patent time could harm Brazil.

The ambassadors of the six countries sent a letter to Paulo Coutes and other ministers this Monday, saying they were concerned about the outcome of an action to be decided in the SDF today, which could affect the validity of thousands of patents in Brazil.

In a document signed by the ambassadors of the United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden, Denmark and Belgium and the French trade liability, the delegates said they feared a retrospective resolution, which would affect the patent already granted.

They also say that a sudden decision would “damage Brazil’s reputation and relations with other countries.”

“This decision may, at one time, invalidate or significantly reduce the validity of approximately 36,000 patents (…) such an act would not only harm the industry and the holders of these patents, but also bring great legal uncertainty to Brazil, undermining the confidence of foreign investors in the country.” It will lead to the deterioration of the Brazilian business environment, ”the letter said.

The lawsuit, filed in 2016, raises the question of whether the validity of patents in Brazil can be extended to 20 years, if the National Industrial Property Agency takes too long to analyze the application.

This is because, in practice, with a delay in analyzing the applications, the patent period can reach up to 30 years.

Also read: SDF should score 11 to 0 when replacing Daniel Silveira as defendant

(War Naomi Matsui)

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Gilherm went through Amado O Globo, Veja and Extra. He has received the Eso and Tim Lopez Intelligence Journal Awards. He is a JSK Fellow at Stanford University, and a member of the International Federation of Investigative Journalists. It is located between Brasilia, Sவோo Paulo and Rio, and has a good story to tell elsewhere.
Starring in the column, Eduardo Barreto worked for the O Globo newspaper and the Crusoe and Poder 360 websites. Associated Press and O Estado DS. He also collaborated with Palo. He studied at the University of Brasilia and at the London School of Journalism. It is located in the Federal Capital, where it searches for stories about power.
Naomi Matsui visited Veja Magazine and Poder 360 website. He is O Estado DS. Collaborated with Palo and UOL. He includes the National Congress, the Planaldo Palace and the 2018 presidential election. A graduate in journalism from McKenzie, he lives in Brasilia, where he covers various areas of power.

Gilherm went through Amado O Globo, Veja and Extra. He has received the Eso and Tim Lopez Intelligence Journal Awards. He is a JSK Fellow at Stanford University, and a member of the International Federation of Investigative Journalists. It is located between Brasilia, Sவோo Paulo and Rio, and has a good story to tell elsewhere.
Starring in the column, Eduardo Barreto worked for the O Globo newspaper and the Crusoe and Poder 360 websites. Associated Press and O Estado DS. He also collaborated with Palo. He studied at the University of Brasilia and the London School of Journalism. It is located in the Federal Capital, where it searches for stories about power.
Naomi Matsui visited Veja Magazine and Poder 360 website. He is O Estado DS. Collaborated with Palo and UOL. He includes the National Congress, Planaldo Palace and the 2018 presidential election. A graduate in journalism from McKenzie, he lives in Brasilia, where he covers various areas of power.

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"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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