The second season of the Netflix series could have a special story from the anime!

The second season of the Netflix series could have a special story from the anime!

The long-awaited live action one piece It has finally made its debut on Netflix, causing massive waves of excitement among fans. The first season left clear signs of the continuation of the story, which has already exceeded a thousand chapters in both the manga and anime. The adaptation is now expected to tackle one of the most iconic sagas in the entire One Piece saga.

This first installment of One Piece mainly dealt with the first major phase of the plot, known as the East Blue Saga. This part is responsible for introducing the main characters and the world they live in, albeit in a relatively superficial way.

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What can we expect for the future of the One Piece live-action adaptation?

Fans who have already followed the manga or anime have an idea of ​​what’s to come. Some of the loose ends left at the end of the season suggest that a potential second season will be interesting. At the end of the season, a mysterious figure appears smoking a cigar and erases Luffy’s wanted poster – this character is Smoker, the White Hunter. If this foreshadows that Season 2 will follow the path of the manga and anime, then fans can now start looking forward to an adaptation of one of the best plots: Alabasta.

Who are the new members of the Straw Hat Gang?

The Alabasta Saga will likely introduce new members to the Straw Hat Gang. Fans can prepare to meet Tony Tony Chopper, the reindeer doctor who ate a Devil Fruit, gaining the ability to transform into a human and think like a human, and Nico Robin, the team’s archaeologist, who also had contact with the Devil Fruit. Moreover, adding Portgas D. Ace, Luffy’s brother and captain of the second squad of Whitebeard Pirates, to the series could attract more interest.

Wouldn’t it be possible to cover the entire Alabasta Saga in one season?

In theory, the Alabasta saga is broad enough to be divided into two parts, which could result in at least two seasons of adaptation. Although the story of One Piece is rather long (and has no end in sight yet), this structure makes sense and could create a lot of buzz around the series.

It’s also worth noting that at the moment, Netflix has yet to confirm One Piece Season 2. However, whatever route the platform takes, One Piece’s original anime format remains available to stream on Netflix, HBO Max, and Crunchyroll.