The dog that defended Anna Hickman during the aggression was the subject of a fight with her ex-husband

The dog that defended Anna Hickman during the aggression was the subject of a fight with her ex-husband
The dog that defended Anna Hickman during the aggression was the subject of a fight with her husband

The dog that defended Anna Hickman during the aggression was the subject of a fight with her husband

Photo: Reproduction / Social Networks

a Broadcaster Anna HickmanThe 42-year-old revealed that her dogs defended her and ordered them to move towards the road Then husband Alexander Correa, 51 years old, when he tried to assault her, at the couple’s home, on November 11.

In an interview given to Amazing Sundayfrom TV Record, the former model has detailed the attack she suffered when her then-husband slammed the door on her arm.

Anna explained that when she realized that Alexander was going to attack her, she asked her pet dogs for help. “My dogs behind me, Fanny and Joachim, were barking a lot because of the fight. And since they had seen him scream several times, every time he screamed, the dogs were getting very upset in the house. And then, I shouted: ‘Get it,’ and my dog ​​got it. Joachim flew towards him and I managed Of closing the door and locking the windows as well,” recalls Anna Hickman.

After details of the day of the attack were revealed, netizens recovered the video of the day the wayward Joachim was rescued. in this occasion, I She found the dog abandoned on the road and Alexander criticized him for saving the animal.

“I can’t believe she went to catch the animal. She caught the animal. This girl is not in good shape,” he said in the video. “You caught the animal from the street, didn’t you? You have two less brains, don’t you?” I“?”, highlighted the businessman in an aggressive tone.

Anna also revealed that she had been a victim of psychological abuse for years by her ex-husband, and that the reason for the quarrel was that the broadcaster revealed to her son the financial problems of the company managed by Alexander.

Source: Redacao Terra

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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