The circus with journalists makes Marino unmask Agatha and Antonio · TV News

The circus with journalists makes Marino unmask Agatha and Antonio · TV News

A real circus will be created by Agatha (Iliane Giardini) and Antonio (Tony Ramos) in the hospital in Tierra y Paixao. The pair set up an ambush to accuse Allen (Barbara Reese) of trying to kill the farmer, and his wife even shoots the rich man. In addition to the photo shoot in which he will appear as a dying man, the Almighty will hold a press conference for journalists.

Marino (Leandro Lima) will arrive in time and discover that the two are promoting a scandal to end up with the widow. Moreover, he will listen to Antonio’s testimony without allowing Agatha to watch it. The alleged victim will contradict herself and let slip that Ramiro (Amore Lorenzo) was in the house.

This contradicts the testimony of the previous convict, who stated that there was no one in the house besides her, Antonio, Aline and João (Mateus Assis), who was in a locked room.

The representative will arrive at your office and talk with co-workers about the impression he made at the hospital.

Antonio’s hospital room looked like a big stage. I don’t know how they let so many people in. But it was clearly a deliberate act, for the media to condemn Allen in advance of any evidence.

“I saw it on the Internet. There was a big impact. But what was his statement? Is there any news?”, Silva (Carlos Ferroli) will ask. Lucinda’s fiancé (Deborah Falabella) will say that some details reported by the farmer caught his attention because they differed from what Agatha said.

“Antonio said that Agatha threw a vase at Allen’s head before Ramiro arrived. But he quickly corrected himself, saying that he was confused. I think it was probably a mistake in the direction of the story they created,” the delegate will comment. Then he will talk to the investigator, who will call Ramiro to testify.

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Terra e Paixão by Walcyr Carrasco and Thelma Guedes. Set in the fictional town of Nova Primavera in Mato Grosso do Sul, the story will remain on the air until January 19 and will be replaced by a remake of Renascer (1993).

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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