SUS card re-registration is still available in Salvador; See how to do | Bahia

SUS card re-registration is still available in Salvador;  See how to do |  Bahia

Beneficiaries who have not updated their SUS registration in Salvador can still re-register. According to the city council, to date, more than 2.5 million residents of the capital have already taken the mandatory procedure for the SUS card.

According to the city council, of this total, about 1.7 million updates were made through re-registration siteIt was implemented in 2020 by the Municipal Health Administration (SMS).

The city government stated that Salvador has exceeded the target set by the Ministry of Health to implement a registration update for at least 70% of the population living in the city. About 84% of the municipality’s residents have already re-registered.

Get the Covid-19 vaccine

Registration status update is mandatory to access the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine in El Salvador. Before heading to the vaccination points, it is necessary to check whether the name appears in the list of the SMS website, in Location, in the list of adults eligible for vaccination.

If the name is not on the list, the procedure can be done on the website or in person at City Halls-Bairro, by prior appointment.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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