Satellite records 'mermaid' on Mars, leaving everyone in shock

Satellite records 'mermaid' on Mars, leaving everyone in shock

See the image that shocked the scientific community last week

In recent days, European Space Agency (ESA) Released a stunning image of the surface Marshighlighting a strange formation called “salty purple mermaid“. Captured via satellite. ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) During the 2022 flyby, it's a purple blob that stands out amid the red, brown and gray tones that dominate the landscape of our neighboring planet.

This area is located in a dry riverbed in the southern region of Mars, and is known as Terra SerenumWhich means “sea of ​​the mermaid” in Latin. Below, check out the beautiful record issued by the European authorities:

Mermaid from Mars
Infrared image taken by the TGO satellite (Image: Reproduction/ESA).

strange discovery

In a press release, the European Space Agency explained that it is clear that the “mermaid” in question is not the mythical creature from the tales, Rather, it is an optical illusion resulting from chloride salt deposits.These deposits have been identified by Color Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS)It is a high-resolution camera mounted on the orbiter that takes stereoscopic, color images of the Martian surface.

In general, CaSSIS works by taking multiple images of the same area from slightly different angles.With these pictures programming Analyzes the impact The view – Obvious change in position between images – and depth calculation, Create detailed 3D terrain modelsThe technology involved allows scientists to study the terrain and geological processes of Mars in great detail, even at great distances.

Why is space “mermaid” purple?

The origin of the color purple comes from Chlorine rich mineralsWhich appear in different colors in infrared images taken by TGO. These chloride deposits are of particular value to researchers because they indicate that at some point in the past, There was a lot of water on Mars..

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However, with Gradual loss of the Martian atmosphere Because there is no large magnetic field, Most of this water has gone away.When the water disappeared, it left behind these mineral deposits, like the “purple mermaid,” which now serve as traces of ancient water on the Red Planet.

These salt deposits play a crucial role in searching for signs of disease. Life on MarsThe water could have been very salty. Shelter for primitive life formscreating habitable environments, even at temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius.

These areas, such as Terra Sirenum, where the “purple mermaid” was discovered, are promising targets for future robotic missions to Mars, the European Space Agency said. Focus on finding evidence of life.Therefore, we just have to wait for new information to understand more clearly whether the Red Planet has indeed hosted some form of life in the past.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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