Santa Catarina’s eHealth expects 50% growth by 2024, with acceleration in Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Santa Catarina’s eHealth expects 50% growth by 2024, with acceleration in Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Founded in Florianópolis, HealthTech has been chosen by the governments of the United Kingdom and Switzerland to measure expertise in health and medical research.

Founded in Florianópolis by CEO Pedro Morton Pereira (photo), HealthTech has been selected by the governments of the United Kingdom and Switzerland to measure expertise in health and medical research. / Photo: Disclosure

[FLORIANÓPOLIS, 16.10.2023]
SC Inova newsroom with information from press office

A epHealth, a reference in the field of health technology and medical research in Brazil, established in Florianópolis (SC), has been selected for two public acceleration programs in Europe: Global Entrepreneurs Program (GEP), United Kingdom, and DayOne Health 4.0 , from Switzerland. Also known as Program of Action and R&D Capture SubsidyAn undiluted investment of £1M to £2M by 2024, the company, which already has revenues of R$400,000 per employee, is expected to grow by 50% next year.

epHealth was a pioneer in developing technologies and communities for public health agencies and public managers, as well as high-impact scientific publications and its most recent clinical research platform. In the field of public health, HealthTech operates through the epHealth Institute, a non-profit organization coordinating several social impact initiatives in Brazil. In the field of medical research, the startup works with private companies and research institutes through the epScience platform, which allows innovative studies with electronic consent, trial results. Security point and television.

Healthtech has already signed partnerships with several government bodies and companies such as Novartis, Takeda and Einstein. Currently, the company’s work is already in more than 4 thousand municipalities, involving more than 45 thousand health professionals and affecting 6 million Brazilians.

According to the CEO and co-founder Pedro Morton Perera, complement the acceleration programs. “At GEP, we will be very focused on establishing a headquarters in the UK, close to the NHS, and attracting investment. DayOne Health 4.0 is very specific to where we operate, which is very aligned with our EP Science platform. Therefore, relationships with global decision makers and interaction with the best research institutions in the world Basically these are complementary opportunities that bring us a new level”, he says.

International opportunities

The GEP is aimed at entrepreneurs or founders of innovative technology businesses based outside the UK, helping them bring them to the country to grow their brands. Initially, the program does this in two ways: with guidance and business support to establish a global headquarters in the UK. The GEP team that provides this free monitoring is made up of so-called “Deal Makers” who are hyper-specialists in high-growth sectors and experienced global investment professionals. In the process, they provide participants with connections to key networks and people and provide guidance on how the startup can grow internationally.

Cristiano Andrade, head of the project in Brazil, highlights that the health startup is part of a list of Brazilian companies that have stood out in the past three years alongside British venture Adher and Jade Autism. “We annually identify and support the success story of national companies. It seems small, but it is not, especially since we plan to increase this number even more. We believe that the Brazilian ecosystem has global potential,” he says.

DayOne Health 4.0, based in Basel, Switzerland, targets startups that innovate across the entire healthcare spectrum, from diagnosis to prevention, communication between patients and caregivers, and support for experts in the field. An initiative of Basel Area Business & Innovation, an investment and innovation promotion agency, the project is led by a special team of volunteers, clinicians, technologists and researchers from the sector.

With the help of this team, participating startups can bring disruptive ideas to life in a variety of ways, with personalized coaching and mentoring and direct access to important names in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. In addition, companies participate in events with investors, partners and other users of the program.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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