Partners for Green and Inclusive Growth — National Indigenous People's Trust

Partners for Green and Inclusive Growth — National Indigenous People's Trust

The National Trust for Indigenous Peoples (Funai) was part of the UK and Brazil: Partners on Green and Inclusive Growth (United Kingdom and Brazil: Partners for Green and Inclusive Growth) event. Organized by the United Kingdom Government in partnership with the Institute for Climate and Society (ICS), representatives of the UK Embassy, ​​civil society and Brazilian government bodies and the British public gathered in Brasilia on Tuesday (26) morning. .

Funai's Director of Territorial Security, Janete Carvalho, participated in the Forestry and Agriculture Panel. Besides him, representatives of the British Government, Ministry of Agricultural Development (MDA), Ministry of Finance and the Government of Acre and Mato Grosso states participated in the dialogue. The conversation was moderated by the UK Government's Head of International Climate Finance, Erica Gouveia.

In 2023, the United Kingdom government sought to extend assistance to the forestry sector in Brazil through an aid and technical training program aimed at supporting Funai in strengthening regional management of indigenous lands (TIs). This initiative is carried out by the Brazil-UK PACT National Program (Partnership for Accelerated Climate Change).

In collaboration with the Nature Conservancy (TNC) Brazil, the Coordinating Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (Coyab) won the public call and was responsible for implementing activities aimed at protection, recovery, conservation and promotion throughout the year. Sustainable use of natural resources of indigenous lands and territories in Brazil. Coyab was represented at the event by Project Manager Luis Benha.

Photo: Marina Ferreira / Funai

According to the Director of Regional Conservation of the Indigenous Organization, the regularization and protection of indigenous lands and the empowerment of indigenous peoples are necessary mechanisms for the world to combat and control climate change, and contribute to the healthy and balanced use of resources. Nature.

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“Funai is 57 years old, but it has a centuries-old obligation from Brazil to formalize, protect, value and support indigenous peoples in their processes, their economies and their ways of life, because they are, for us and for Brazil, indigenous peoples. Part of the solution”, Janet Carvalho approved.

The director also announced that the three pillars implemented through the joint program between the UK government and FUNAI are critical to advancing domestic policy. The triangulation of the Brazil-UK PACT project in partnership with Funai includes land regularization of indigenous lands; Environmental and territorial management of ITs; and in the formation of indigenous peoples. Also present at the event was Artur Nobre Mendez, a reference in indigenousism, Funai anthropologist.


Last year, the governments of Brazil and the UK signed a partnership for green and inclusive growth. The event provided updates on what the partnership had achieved. There was also an announcement of next steps to be taken in cooperation in preparation for the G20 meeting in Rio de Janeiro in November and the 30th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP30) in Para. In 2025.

British Ambassador Stephanie Al-Khaq highlighted that the event marks the expansion of cooperation with civil society between the Brazilian and British governments. Currently, the United Kingdom is Brazil's second partner in scientific cooperation.

“We want to help not only with words but also with concrete actions. We want a partnership based on mutual respect and mutual promotion of our national priorities. Less than a year after the partnership was launched, we are already delivering concrete results and we want to do more,” highlighted the British ambassador.

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The UK and Brazil: Green and Inclusive Development event saw stakeholders divided into three panels, namely Green Finance; climate and energy change; and Forestry and Agriculture. Representatives from the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCTI), Caixa and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) participated in the meeting.

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