No traces! How to uncheck received messages on Instagram

No traces!  How to uncheck received messages on Instagram

In urgent times, opening a direct message (DM) on Instagram and not responding can generate a cascade of confusion and friction. However, we know that in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often cannot respond to the message at the time we read it or even need to search for the answer before returning to the page. Inbox.

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To avoid this annoyance of leaving a message displayed but unanswered, Instagram allows a user to read a direct message without the sender knowing. Although it is interesting, the function has its counterpart. This is because it is necessary to remember that by disabling read confirmation, the user will also not be able to know when people have read their messages.

If you still want to disable the reading ad, the procedure is easier than it seems. With just a few clicks, no one else will know when you read a message sent on your phone Inbox.

Step by Step

To disable read confirmation for messages in Instagram DM, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open your Instagram profile and click on the upper right field (where the “three dashes” are);
  2. Then click on “Settings & Privacy”;
  3. The next step is to go to “Messages and Story Replies”
  4. Finally, go to “Show read confirmation” and deactivate the function.

That's it, now the sender of the message won't know whether you read the notification sent via direct message or not until you reply.


Launched in October 2010, Instagram quickly gained popularity, reaching over 100 million users by early 2012.

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The social network focuses on sharing photos and videos, but it also allows for digital filters to be applied and sharing to a variety of other tools, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and even Flickr. Finally, Instagram was ranked 16th most valuable brand in the world by Interbrand in 2022.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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