Natalia Arcuri is leaving RedeTV! After the homophobic and sexist comments of Sikêra Jr – Zoeira

Natalia Arcuri is leaving RedeTV!  After the homophobic and sexist comments of Sikêra Jr – Zoeira

journalist Natalia Arcuri This Wednesday (7) announced that it has decided Leave RedTV! Because of events that “jeopardize their values”. Site the news Found that the “Me Poupe! Show” host was unhappy with the homophobic and sexist comments of Sikêra Jr.

On June 25, Skira referred to LGBT people as “disgraceful race”. The statement was made live on “Alerta Nacional” when the presenter commented on a commercial in which children commented on homosexuality.

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“You’re disgusting. We’re silent, weeping, swallowing this miserable sweat that wants us to accept that baby…Leave the kids, boy!” , said Sekera Jr.

GPS charge

According to TV News, Natalia Arcuri charged locator About Sequera controversy, but she had no positive response. The journalist could also have interspersed with a series of sexual and sexist jokes by the presenter.

In an Instagram post this Wednesday, the digital influencer and financial educator stated that she values ​​values ​​like freedom, independence, respect and education.

He noted, “When these values ​​are put into practice, it’s very clear that there are our limits. That’s why I decided to quit my show on RedeTV!”.

Natalia has been on the network since March of this year. On a note, RedeTV! He said he “thanks the journalist for her professionalism and commitment and wishes her well on her journey. The last episode of Me Poupe will air on Tuesday (20).

Sikêra Jr.’s Instagram account has been deleted.

After the negative repercussions of the rhetoric against the LGBTQIA+ community, Instagram dropped the account from Sikêra Jr. This Wednesday (7), which had over 6 million followers.

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second to podium sleeping giantswhich has been campaigning for the loss of the ad provider to advertisers, the loss of the social network is due to the public complaints in videos with biased comments.

According to TV News, at least 37 supporters It was announced in the “National Alert” that they terminated their contracts after the controversy.

On the show on June 29, Sakira apologized and said she had exaggerated herself. “I need to admit that I have gone above and beyond myself, in the midst of the comment, in defending the innocence of the children I have always defended. I may have used words I regretted, I am human. I have made mistakes, I have made mistakes and I will make mistakes.”

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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