Income tax 2022: prepare documents now and get money back before – 02/13/2022

Income tax 2022: prepare documents now and get money back before – 02/13/2022

Delivery income tax 2022 It should start in the first week of March. Organize paperwork soon to expedite program completion and submit the advertisement at the start of the deadline. Whoever delivers first, is likely to receive the refund sooner. Not to mention loosening that obligation soon.

Also, if you notice that some information or documents are missing, you will have more time to go through the paperwork before the application deadline at the end of April. The formal program for completing the declaration must be made available by the Federal Revenue Service in the last week of February.

See below the essential documents, as well as tips to make it easier to keep up with the tax authorities.

Recall last year’s statement

If you advertise Income tax In the past year, you likely had a copy of the file saved on your computer or a hard copy. This file will speed up the completion of several fields for the 2022 announcement, especially the list of assets. If you do not remember where the file was saved or have lost the statement, you can request a copy from the IRS.

Are you going to announce for the first time?

If you are going to declare your IR for the first time, you will need your CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registration) numbers and your voter registration number, as well as your residential and occupation data. If the declaration is submitted with your spouse, the program will also ask for his/her CPF.

Take CPF from Dependents

If you have dependents or children, you will need to report all of them to the CPFs in the ad, including children. Children born from 2017 onwards have a CPF number shown on the birth certificate.

If any of your dependents still do not have a CPF number, you can request the document directly In the Federal Revenue Website or at any civil registry office, or branches of Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal or Correios.

Ask about the company’s earnings report

Companies have until the end of February to provide their employees with proof of income for 2021. This document shows the amount you received as salary, the amount you paid in IR at source and INSS.

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The report may bring in other details, such as health plan expenses or pension plan applications, when these benefits are offered by the company.

You will also need proof of income from your spouse and dependents if they are working and they provide you with your income tax.

Were you fired in 2021? Get the report from the old company

If you are fired or change your job in 2021, look for termination papers, FGTS receipts, and unemployment insurance. Ask HR at the old company to send you proof of earnings from the period you were still there.

The pensioner must apply for a document in INSS

If you receive a retirement or pension from INSS, don’t forget to download proof of income at Social Security website From the end of February. You must have a password to access government websites ( to get the document.

The bank must submit an investment report

All your financial information, such as checking and savings account balances and the amount of your investments in 2021 will be detailed in the earnings report provided by the bank.

If you have an account or investments in more than one bank, you need to get reports from all institutions. Most of them make the document available online from the second half of February.

This also applies to those who have investments in Treasury Direct or in stocks. Ask for the document at the bank or brokerage firm where you purchased the papers.

If you contribute to a private pension plan (PGBL/VGBL) or retirement fund, or if you already receive a benefit, the organization that administers the plan must also send you a receipt for the amounts you paid or received in the past year.

Organize receipts from doctors and dentists

Expenses for doctors, dentists, and other health professionals, exams, hospitalizations, and health plans can be fully deducted from income tax, but they must be well regulated. You must keep the papers for at least five years, in case the IRS decides to substantiate the information.

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Separate all receipts, invoices, and expense receipts paid within the past year. Check if the papers specify the provider’s name, address, service provided, value, and CPF or CNPJ of the person who provided the service, as well as their full name and CPF. If the expenses are paid by the dependent or feeder, his name and CPF must appear on the document.

Stay tuned for refunds for appointments and exams conducted by the HMO. These amounts must be deducted from the medical expenses you have already paid. Only the difference between the amount you paid and what was reimbursed by the plan can be used to deduct income tax. Ask the plan operator for a detailed report.

Pay attention to education costs

The topic is a frequent suspicion of taxpayers. Federal income only accepts deductions for expenses from kindergarten (nursery, nursery) schools, elementary, secondary, graduate, graduate, or technical courses. It is not worth spending on extracurricular courses, such as English or ballet, nor on college preparatory courses or public competitions.

Books, notebooks, school uniforms, or any other school supplies are also not accepted. Lunch or food expenses not included in school fees are not deductible.

Collect payment slips or receipts, which must bring the school’s name and CNPJ, as well as the student’s name. In addition to your education expenses, you can also deduct expenses for the education of your dependents and your food.

Have you bought or sold a property or a car? See how you act

Have you bought or sold a car, motorcycle, house, apartment or other assets in the past year? Then find the contract, bond, invoice, or receipt and write down key information, such as the name and CPF/CNPJ of the person who bought or sold it, if the work was paid for in cash, in installments, or with financing.

In the case of financing, also note the name of the bank, the contract number, the amount financed, the number of installments, the value of the installments as well as the down payment. All these details must be described in the goods declaration.

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Did you make a profit selling the item? Taxes may be delayed

If there is a profit from the sale of a property, car or other asset, you need to complete the 2021 GCAP Capital Gains Program, available at Federal Revenue Websitethen transfer the information to the IR 2022 programme.

However, you may already owe the IRS, because capital gains tax must be collected in the month after the asset is sold. If the sale took place in May 2021, for example, the tax should have been paid by June.

But there are some exceptions, such as using all the money from the sale of a home to buy another home within six months. If your case does not fit the exceptions and GCAP has tax payable, settle the debt as soon as possible to avoid larger fines, as well as risk getting your proceeds trapped in the fines web.

Did you get rent? The lion’s meat must be collected

The self-employed and people who receive other sources of income, such as rent and alimony, are required to pay the Carnê-Leão tax monthly, which is a type of income tax anticipation for the following year.

If you received any of these sources of income within the past year, but did not pay the Carnê-Leão 2021 fee, enter .’s website he wonFollow the registration instructions and make late payments as soon as possible to avoid heavy fines and keep your account statement in the micro-network.

The IR 2022 program allows you to import the information entered in Carnê-Leão 2021, which will speed up the completion of the declaration.

Collect consortium papers, loans, inheritance and pension

There are still some specific situations that deserve more attention when filling out an income tax return, such as alimony payments, donations, receiving an inheritance, contracting out loans, or asset consortia.

If you undertook any of these processes in the past year, organize the documents now to expedite completion of the IR 2022 declaration.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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