In an open letter to the Biden event, Amazon governors present a recovery plan

In an open letter to the Biden event, Amazon governors present a recovery plan

Photo: Thiago Queiroz / Estadau

Amazon’s legal rulers On Tuesday evening the 20th, they sent an open letter to the Leaders on Climate Summit, which will begin on the 22nd, indicating a concrete plan for the region and strengthening their commitment to Paris Agreement And the sustainable development goals.

The text says: “We affirm the role of the local government sphere in combating illegal deforestation, in developing a low carbon economy and in preserving Brazilian biomes, especially in the Amazon.”

In the document, the governors present a green recovery plan, “bold and comprehensive, yet realistic and necessary for the challenges of Brazil and the world of this century.” And they ask for a “collaborative vision,” without going into details.

“We know that (the plan) This can only be achieved through a collaborative vision and the involvement of a coalition of all those who understand the role of the Amazon in providing environmental and ecosystem services, ”says the document, organized by the Conservative Spokesperson, Flávio Dino (PCdoB-MA).

The plan has already been presented to the ambassadors of the United States, the European Union, Norway and the United Kingdom. What the Conservatives seek is financial aid, without explicitly mentioning it, just as the federal government has done.

The message says PRV has four pillars: halting deforestation; Encouraging sustainable productive development; Green technology promotion and training; And strengthening green infrastructure.

In addition to Dino, Gladson Camille (PP-AC), Parents Joyce (PDT-AP), Mauro Mendes (DEM-MT), Helder Barbalho (MDB-PA) and Mauro Carles (PSL-TO) were signed. As of 11pm this Tuesday, only Antonio Dinarium (no-party-RR) and Marcus Rocha (PSL-RO) have participated.

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Earlier, the governors of 23 states issued a letter to create themselves as a gateway to share actions that include combating deforestation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

All of these messages are reactions to Jair Bolsonaro’s environmental policy, which the international community has pressured to present concrete plans and outcomes at an event that will bring together leaders from more than 40 countries in the coming days. The environment is one of the government’s priorities Joe Biden.

Check out Amazon’s legal rulers letter:

Amazon Climate Security Charter

We, the governors of the nine states that make up the legal Amazon region, in the context of the Leaders’ Climate Summit, reaffirm our commitment to the principles established by the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Brazil is a signatory to international agreements and conventions related to biodiversity and has been a pioneer in promoting these discussions at events such as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development – ECO-92 and the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development 2012, the so-called Rio + 20 – the latter’s development of the green economy as a principle It guides government policy and promotes the understanding that economic development and environmental policies are part of the same context, and cannot be understood separately. We emphasize the role of the local government sphere in combating illegal deforestation, in developing a low carbon economy and in preserving the Brazilian biomes, especially in the Amazon.

The Interstate Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Legal Amazon introduces the Green Recovery Plan for the Legal Amazon Region – PRV. It is a regional development strategy, which follows the guidelines for building a green economy while reducing economic and social inequalities. The PRV includes actions in the nine states, and contains several projects, involving four axes: 1) Stopping deforestation. 2) Sustainable productive development. 3) green technology and training; And 4) green infrastructure. These four pillars constitute a converging mechanism for creating jobs and income for urban and rural residents, on the basis of a low carbon economy.

PRV is a bold, comprehensive, yet realistic and necessary plan for the challenges of Brazil and the world of this century. We know that this can only be achieved through a collaborative vision and the involvement of a coalition of all those who understand the role of the Amazon in providing environmental and ecosystem services. This is a commitment that we, the legal rulers of the Amazon affirmed, on the occasion of the Leaders Climate Summit.

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"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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