Desenrola Brasil: Those interested in debt renegotiation will need to register on; See how to do it | Economy

Desenrola Brasil: Those interested in debt renegotiation will need to register on;  See how to do it |  Economy

Woman using her cell phone and computer. – Image: Reproduction/Pixabay

Desenrola Brasil’s renegotiation platform is scheduled to launch on Monday (9) next week.

In this new phase, The debts of people with income up to the minimum wage or registered in the Unified Register (CadÚnico) and who have debts of up to R$5,000 will be renegotiated.

However, to access the Desenrola platform, the consumer will need to register Silver or gold certificate levels, in addition to updating registration data. According to the Ministry of Finance, the operation is considered a security measure for citizens.

See below how to register on and how to increase your security and access:

How to register on

Bill It is an identity that proves the identity of the citizen in digital media. Through it, it is possible to securely identify yourself when accessing digital services offered by the government, such as the digital CNH, income tax return and SUS services, the e-social portal and Enem, for example.

The account is free and available to all Brazilians. Registration takes place directly on the federal government portal. See step by step:

  1. arrive to Government website;
  2. Select the option “Log in using”
  3. Enter your CPF number and click Continue;
  4. Read and accept the terms and click “Continue”;
  5. Choose a bank to create the account or press “Try another way”, if you do not have a bank account or do not wish to use it;
  6. Fill out the form with your data, which can be validated at Federal Revenue or INSS. Registration can also be done at the INSS agency or at Senatran centres. However, this form only allows Bronze level (See below how to increase your account level);
  7. The platform will send a code that can be received via email or cell phone. Write it in the indicated location;
  8. Create a password that meets the required standards;
  9. Thus, it is now possible to log in using the account In other services.
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Desenrola will be available online on October 9

How to increase your account level

registration in It has three levels of security and access: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

When created via an online INSS or Federal Revenue form, for example, the account typically starts at the Bronze level, which grants partial access to government digital services and whose security level is considered basic.

  • Validate facial biometrics using the photo verification app on driving license rules (CNH);
  • Verify the validity of personal data via online banking or log in through one of the approved banks (see below). It is worth noting that the debtor must have the phone number registered with his bank to receive the SMS to confirm access;
  • Verify the validity of the data using the SIGEPE username and password, if the citizen is a federal government employee.

To obtain the gold level, a citizen must:

  • Validate facial recognition using the app to verify your photo in the Tribunal Electoral (TSE) databases;
  • Validate the data using the QR code on your national ID card or using a digital certificate compatible with ICP-Brasil.

How will Desenrola’s renegotiation platform work?

In this new phase, the program will renegotiate the debts of people whose income reaches the minimum wage or who are registered in the Unified Register (CadÚnico) and who have debts of up to R$5,000.

According to Finance Minister for Economic Reforms Marcos Pinto, consumers accessing the platform will find banks that have offered discounts listed in order of interest, from lowest to highest.

He explained, “The Ministry of Finance decree gives people a period of 20 days to renegotiate their debts, once the program is opened.”

The minister also added that the dynamics will be implemented through a group of people. Thus, if the consumer does not renegotiate the debt within 20 days, the queue moves, giving others a chance.

The Ministry of Finance also warned that this is a free service and it is necessary to be careful about fraud. Registration can only be done via the website or application Moreover, the administration also emphasizes that debt renegotiation can only take place through the website

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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