Thousands of people are expected to attend the Latitude Music Festival on Thursday at Henham Park in the southeastern UK, which is taking place without restrictions in epidemic climates.
On the outdoor site in Suffolk County, hundreds of camp tents have been set up for visitors who have sold out this year’s Latitude Festival since it was canceled in 2020 due to Govt-19.
According to the BBC, there are 40,000 spectators on each of the four days of the festival, which is being offered as a pilot event after the British government lifted key restrictions associated with the Govt-19.
This means that the festival does not necessarily use social distance or masks, but the risks associated with it will be assessed, the BBC writes.
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To enter the festival, visitors must test negative for Covit-19 or need proof of vaccination.
The new Music Express announces that quick check-ups will be possible at the gateway, that a mobile medical center will be needed for the weekend vaccination and that a second dose can be taken to be vaccinated.
The festival has names like Wolf Alice, Chemical Brothers, Damon Alborn and Bastille, but some of those confirmed in the poster had to cancel for signing Covid-19, meaning singer Arlo Parks and Fontaine D.C.
Most major music festivals worldwide have been postponed or canceled due to the Govt-19 epidemic.
In Portugal, the summer of 2020 has passed without music festivals, the department association estimates the loss of about 1.6 billion euros, and this year, most large-scale events have been postponed again due to restrictions to control the spread of the virus, clarifying the epidemic level in other countries, different rates of vaccination and the rules for hosting these types of events.
Between April and May, four pilot events took place in Prague, Coyambra and Lisbon, with spectators seated and standing, in conjunction with the Portuguese Red Cross, with the performance of free diagnostic tests for visitors.
The purpose of these events, according to the government, is to define “new technical guidelines and to carry out SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic tests for shows and festivals”, but the results of these efforts are not yet known.