Forgotten apps drain your battery

Forgotten apps drain your battery

If your cell phone battery dies quickly, it is important to know where the problem ultimately lies. Is the battery no longer working properly, or are there other things that compromise its functioning? Before thinking of changing it, our advice to you is to be aware of the background apps. Learn how to check.

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As much as you may think that the smartphone is not in use and therefore will not be able to drain its battery, it is important to understand that this is not exactly how things work. Some background-running tools keep consuming all of your phone’s charge, even when you’re not working with them.

Background apps and battery consumption

They can consume resources than a cell phone, in addition to draining the battery faster in the process, it also makes the device slower, even when it’s still charged. To improve the situation and make your pregnancy last longer, some tips can help.

One of them, which should be part of your routine, is closing apps that you are not currently using.

This is a good way to to save money Charge your device so you can spend it on what really matters. Additionally, another trick is to disable notifications for gadgets that aren’t used much on a daily basis. Little by little, they drain the battery.

It is also important that you limit background app usage in your phone settings. Just pay attention to an important thing: be careful when disabling background mode for apps you use frequently, for example WhatsApp.

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The function of limiting the use of the widget differs from one cell phone to another, but you can check it in the “Battery” widgets and set the option to limit in the background when comment applications that are not used.

With a few tweaks, your shipment can last longer.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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