Experts believe the UN resolution will make little difference to the conflict in Gaza

Experts believe the UN resolution will make little difference to the conflict in Gaza

After the United Nations (UN) Security Council adopted a resolution on the humanitarian and hostage crisis in the Gaza Strip, focusing on the protection of children, experts believe little has to change in practice.

Geopolitical analyst Hugo Albuquerque says he doesn’t believe Israel will comply with an approved resolution.

According to him, the approval shows “wear and tear” on the part of the international community regarding Israel’s actions since more than a month of Hamas attacks. He also noted that if Israel expands the conflict into Lebanon, the situation will worsen.

Bruno da Silva, a foreign policy analyst at the Federal University of ABC, explained that the resolution proposed by Malta does not seek to end the conflict between Israel and Hamas on humanitarian issues, mainly children.

The document was approved by the Security Council by 12 out of 15 members. The United States, Russia and the United Kingdom abstained. Bruno Silva explains that the omissions in Malta’s proposal point to “significant divisions” and show the complexity of the matter.

At the time of the vote on Brazil, the Brazilian representative on the Security Council, Ambassador Norberto Moretti, stated that Brazil wanted “the implementation of the two-state solution as the only formula for peace in the region”. This was mentioned by President Lula last Tuesday (14) who supported the creation of a Palestinian state.

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