Illustration of the Pix logo displayed on a smartphone. Last Thursday (23), the Central Bank confirmed the approval of measures to prevent or limit fraud in payment services. Among them is a R$1,000 limit on payments and transfers made between 8pm and 6am – a time less common for traditional banking activities and vulnerable to fraud. The changes must take effect by October 4th.
One of the most traditional means Bank transfer It ends on Thursday, the 29th of this month, after a decision approved by the Brazilian Banking Association (Februaryban) in May of last year. Credit order document (document) can no longer be used as a payment method. In addition, your balance transfer (Transitional Executive Council) will also cease to exist as of tomorrow. These methods were lost with the implementation of PIX in 2020. Discussions between banks and Febraban led to the closure of these payment methods. Another factor that influenced the decision was data released by the Central Bank, which showed that DOC transactions in the first half of 2023 only corresponded to less than 1% of bank transfers made throughout the year.

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The cutoff for customers to start scheduling DOC and TEC began in January, so this Thursday is the deadline to deposit the final payments and shut down the entire system. When a transaction is scheduled by DOC, the recipient will have to wait for one day to receive the amount in the account, while a transfer by TEC can reach the account within a few hours of the same day. As a result, PIX has gained more popularity among Brazilians due to the ease of instant and free transactions. In 2023 of the total 37 billion Of the transactions performed throughout the year, more than 17 billion were executed pix.