Can’t lose weight? Here are 5 habits that hinder weight loss

Can’t lose weight?  Here are 5 habits that hinder weight loss

You literally follow your diet, you exercise regularly, but it’s no use: despite all your efforts, you’re having huge trouble losing weight. If this is the case for you, then perhaps it is time to analyze your entire routine and identify the habits that may be preventing you from reaching your goal.

Can’t lose weight? Here are 5 habits that hinder weight loss –

Photo: Shutterstock / Saúde em Dia

According to the doctor’s opinion. Renato Lobo, a physician from the University of São Paulo (University of São Paulo) and a nutritionist from ABRAN (Brazilian Association of Dietetics), some simple habits, which may go unnoticed, make weight loss difficult. The doctor points out 5 mistakes that hinder the goals of those who want to lose weight. paying off:

1 – sleep a little

“Those who sleep little or sleep poorly release more hunger hormones and decrease satiety. So you will be more hungry and eat more and not feel full. Therefore, poor sleep has a direct relationship to weight gain. If you want to lose weight, you should sleep better,” says the expert.

2- Eating close to bedtime

How far away you are from your last meal in relation to the time you go to sleep has a direct impact on weight loss, notes the expert. If you eat at 11 p.m. and go to bed at midnight, for example, that’s already a weight gain factor.

But if you eat dinner at 6 or 7 p.m. and go to bed at 11 p.m., you are more likely to be slimmer. “So, the further away from when you eat from when you sleep, the better,” he says.

3- Lack of physical activity

If you do not engage in any physical activity, be it bodybuilding or aerobics, and you spend more time sitting than standing, there is a connection to weight loss. If you work already sitting down, for example, it’s always a good idea to get up a bit.

“It is important to get up and walk, even if it is to go to the bathroom. At lunch, for example, instead of asking for food, it is preferable to go to the place, as this will activate the metabolism and favor weight loss,” highlights a specialist.

4 – Not enough food options

If you do not eat salads, greens, greens and leaves, you will not benefit from the beneficial fibers in regulating the intestines, improving the health of the bacteria in the intestines and slightly disturbing the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.

That’s because fiber slows down absorption. “This reduces the production of insulin, which is responsible for storing extra calories as fat. So, consuming salad first is associated with weight loss,” says the doctor.

5- Too much eating sweets

Everyone already knows that candy contains a lot of sugar, or something that mimics the effects of excess fructose. Therefore, very rapid absorption of sugar occurs, which generates insulin spikes in the body.

According to dr. Renato, this peak cuts fat expenditure and favors fat accumulation. Thus, you stop losing weight and start gaining weight. Therefore, the recommendation is to control the consumption of sweets – of course, without falling into a restrictive diet.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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