Canada’s space shuttle could be launched from the UK

Canada’s space shuttle could be launched from the UK

The Virgin Orbit Launch The first was to happen in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the month, but the attempt ended in failure. However, the desire to leave the country did not go away. A Canadian company has already changed plans to launch its space shuttle from Cornwall. England.

The spacecraft was named Sexbomb and was designed by Space Engine Systems. Until then, its launch was planned to take place from Manitoba, central Canada. But the company announced plans to move the aircraft’s demonstrator to the UK in spring 2022 (Southern Hemisphere).


According to the website Automatic evolution The demonstrator was moved to the site while the company’s UK headquarters tried to secure a license for future launches with the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CCA).

Until the actual launch happens, the space plane has to go through several stages to get everything ready. However, it could be responsible for the first ugly successful launch from the UK, thanks to what Space Engine Systems calls “an aggressive launch vehicle program”.

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Space flight

Although it has yet to launch the Sexbomb, Space Engine Systems already has orders to carry payloads aboard its other two spaceflight programs, Halo-1 and Halo-2.

Hello-1 is capable of carrying 550 kg of cargo and personnel on a single sub-plane. Halo-2 is designed to be so powerful that the spacecraft can carry 5500 kg to the same area as the most basic model and 760 kg to the Moon.

The company is betting that these space planes can provide low-cost travel. This is due to the air breathing engines developed by manufacturers rather than rocket engines in Earth’s atmosphere. In addition, two models of space planes will be reusable and can land at any airport.

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The upcoming launch of one of these models in the United States seems closer to implementation than the Sexbomb in the United Kingdom. Halo-1 is slated for release this year and Halo-2 will be released in 2 years.

However, before and after the Halo models, the Sexbomb spaceflight launch in Cornwall was the kick-off for the UK becoming one of the main launch sites from spaceports now and in the future.

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