Bruna Survesteinaha is pregnant with twins: “Preserve feminine strength” Bruna Survesteinaha is pregnant with twins: “Save feminine strength” | Fabia Oliveira

Bruna Survesteinaha is pregnant with twins: “Preserve feminine strength” Bruna Survesteinaha is pregnant with twins: “Save feminine strength” |  Fabia Oliveira
Bruna Sorvestinha is pregnant with twins
Bruna Sorvestinha is pregnant with twinsInstagram operation

in a day

Posted on 05/09/2021 15:23 | Updated 05/09/2021 15:25

On Mother’s Day Sunday, Raquel Pacheco, Bruna Survestinha, decided to share information with fans about her pregnancy, which was announced on Saturday (9). The author said she expected two girls. “Most of them got it right: I am pregnant with a girl! But the news is that I am pregnant with twins. Yes, I am creating two lives, two girls! Save the feminine power that literally lives within me,” he said.

She also revealed that being pregnant with twins is a family legacy. “In my fiance’s family there are twins, but there was a separation from the uncles many years ago … Then we were chosen and granted to continue,” reveals Surfistinha, who admits to being surprised by the news.

“I was not ready for this news, but it was the most beautiful surprise I received, because in addition to the dream of motherhood, I always commented on how beautiful I think being a mother to twins and the amazing relationship between the twins, strong brothers. The relationship that exists between them, to grow together … I will live this from While watching all this bonding as a mom. ”

He lives in Rio de Janeiro for about two months, and also says he intends to continue in the cool city after 30 years of living in Sao Paulo. “That means my girls are from Rio de Janeiro and I’ll hear a lot:” Meeeeee, we want bixxxcoito! They will be purple flamenco players like their father, according to what he already warned me about. I will be the mother to them that I did not have, and our communication increases every day and my love grows in an indescribable way. ”

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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