Brazilians are most authorized to track apps on iOS 14.5

Brazilians are most authorized to track apps on iOS 14.5

Update (05/14/2021) – BB

A survey by AppsFlyer analyzed app acceptance by Brazilian users after updating their iPhone to iOS 14.5, the latest version of Apple’s operating system.

According to the survey, Brazil was the country with the highest approval rating among iPhone owners, with most of them agreeing to app tracking.

May 12

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an Apple
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The study took into account, of course, 7% of Brazilians who had already upgraded their cell phones to the new version of the Gigante de Cupertino program. Within this segment, 51% of users gave permission to track apps. Analysis was performed based on acceptance data obtained from 950 available iOS applications.

On the podium, behind the Brazilian users, are the French with 48% and the British at 33%. Check, below, five countries participating in the study and their respective numbers:

  1. Brazil – 51% acceptance
  2. France – 48% admission
  3. UK – 33% admission
  4. Japan – 31% admission
  5. United States – 29% admission

This number of admissions in Brazil is very low compared to what was released last week, based on a global study by Flurry. In this case, 88% of the users have already upgraded their iPhones to iOS 14.5 Refusal Tracking by apps.

Original text (05/08/2021)

a IOS 14.5 arrives It represented a huge turning point in terms of privacy for Apple’s iOS and iPadOS users, because, as we all know, the new releases of Apple’s platforms provide more precise control over privacy.

We are talking specifically about whether or not companies will be allowed to send tracking requests related to so-called targeted advertising, as big giants such as Facebook, Instagram and Google “view” their activities online to see what kind of ads. I recommend to you.

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Previous research conducted on the resource Application tracking transparency It revealed that 47% of respondents allowed companies to track them after the arrival of iOS 14.5, however, recent data Another fact appears.

New numbers have been released by application analytics company Flurry (which is owned by the US operator Verizon) and these numbers indicate that among the 2.5 million active users in the United States, Just a trifle 4% They choose to allow tracking on third-party apps.

In other words, we are talking about a large percentage, 96%, that decided to stop the curious eyes of companies from their browsing habits and using the system.

The numbers in question are shocking news for companies that rely directly on tracking their main source of income, such as Mark Zuckerberg, which generated $ 84 billion in revenue last year from online advertising alone.

This practice is widely used by many tech giants and generates approximately $ 189 billion USD worldwide. Although 12% of 5.3 million users decide that the apps will continue to track them, the scenario is not something these companies celebrate – after all, 88% of users around the world will not allow more than their tracking.

By monitoring more than 1 million mobile applications, Flurry Analytics is able to provide data on more than 2 billion devices per month, and the good news is that the company is committed to updating the stats about the transparency of the application tracking every week.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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