BBB22: In the secret room, Arthur noticed his sister’s contradiction

BBB22: In the secret room, Arthur noticed his sister’s contradiction

In the early hours of Wednesday morning (06), the detainees were talking to Pedro Scobe, Eliezer and Gustavo in the kitchen BBB22. When she talked about splitting the VIP and Xepa items, she made a comment that was judged incoherent Arthurwho was watching the entire secret room scene.

Photo: Globe

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Natalia He admitted that he ate guava while driving Lucas. Then, Arthur repel: “Ah, but you said you didn’t eat guavas. Who doesn’t eat guavas in VIP. What crazy. And you ate in front of Lucas? Signed up, huh.”

Inside the house, the brothers talked about their latest Discord game, which they quarreled over. Gustavo Accused Natalia Eat bananas with powdered milk, and put the fruit inside the pot.

“It was once, not like that every day. I really did. But not like that every day.”He said Natalia. However, Curitibano said in the dynamic that the sister has no sense of group, and that’s something Arthur You must agree.

“But she doesn’t even have to [senso de coletividade]… From time to time there is already a lack of a sense of community. Take a banana, bite it and put it in powdered milk? What about other people who will eat powdered milk? “The most prominent actor.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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