BBB 21: Juliet’s flight scare: ‘fired twice’

BBB 21: Juliet’s flight scare: ‘fired twice’

Juliette Freire reported a moment of panic during her flight this morning. She said on Twitter that the plane took off twice, a common procedure a pilot takes after crashing at the time of landing.

“The plane took off twice today, and I was already praying:“ For the sake of your painful passion, have mercy on me and the whole world, ”Hero wrote.BBB 21 “on your Twitter profile.

Juliet added on the social network reassuring fans: “I was praying a lot, most interested in Deborah and the security guard, with the children, but everything is fine, thank God. Good week!”

In a live broadcast promoted on her Instagram profile on Saturday, Juliet said so The treatment was carried out twice a week To find out how to deal with the new reality, after she rose to fame and earned R $ 1.5 million Reality show.

“I do therapy and talk to spiritual people to help me with this transition. I do this twice (a week). I look for all the crutches and I help me in helping me with this transition, in this new life.”

The 2021 champion of Big Brother Brazil also made it clear that she had decided so Stay away from social networks After 100 days of detoxing and putting your thoughts into action. “I needed to detoxify, and stay calm.”

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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