Anna divorces Eva after her mother insults Manu

Anna divorces Eva after her mother insults Manu

In the next seasons of the series Our lifeAnd the I (Fernanda Vasconcelos) lays down Eva (Anna Beatriz Nogueira) is on the wall after the tennis player discovers her mom has tried to coerce Manu (Marjorie Estiano) to pay for her sister’s new treatment.

“You do not have the right to look for Manuela to ask for money, even more so without a consultant.” Shot Anna. “I had and I had every right in this world. Manuela does nothing more than commit to paying, paying any and all treatment and without complaint. This is nothing more than compensation for all the damage she caused to her life and it is cheap, believe me. “ Talking Eva.

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“It’s amazing how much you have the power to distort things.”Anna evaluates.You are out of the fight for so long, you never know your half blockEva followed. “But now I woke up and know very well what is happening in front of my eyes.”The tennis player argues.

“The problem is, you’re melted butter. Now what can I do? Here comes your sister’s voices and she lies down and rolls.”Eva is throwing up. “Attention! You are forbidden to look for Manuela or someone else on my behalf. If you want to be crazy, you do it alone, because I don’t want to be ashamed anymore.”Anna shoots.

More information, curiosity, summary, and characters Daily and updated summary of the chapters of the TV series A Vida da Gente

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Check the Summary of chapters of other novels Globo TV, SBT, Record TV and Band.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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