According to her, servers used what they had on hand to neutralize spiders, adults and puppies, and prevent others from being bitten.
“Even after he threw away the scorpions, we continued the care. We covered him with anti-scorpion serum and the doctor (on duty) asked him to remain under observation for six hours. He waited there for two hours, took the medication, and then said: ‘I fled the place.’”
After contacting health control, the nurse transferred the case to the police. According to her, the attack was partly thwarted because since the Covid-19 pandemic, reception staff at the health center were protected by glass.
He added: “He threw the scorpions through the nozzle on the glass, which prevented the employees from being directly hit, even in the face, as he apparently intended.”
According to her, 56 seconds had passed from the time the attacker arrived to the moment of throwing the scorpions, indicating that there was no delay in providing assistance. “When the receptionist asked what he had, he said, 'I have this,' and threw away the scorpions that were in a small box. The town is small and everyone knows each other. I can't understand why he did that.” He said.
The identity of the attacker, a resident of the rural area, was not revealed by the city council or police. The Civil Police of São Paulo took the statements of the three victims on Wednesday the 3rd, and had already summoned the suspect to appear at the police station.