A horse escapes and has a crisis on board, causing the plane to throw away 20 tons of fuel and return to the airport – News

A horse escapes and has a crisis on board, causing the plane to throw away 20 tons of fuel and return to the airport – News

The horse on board ran away and had a stress crisis

One Cargo plane The company, which was transporting dozens of horses, witnessed an unusual situation on Friday (10) on a flight that left New York in the United States towards Liege in Belgium. one of The animals managed to escape the stall Where he was stationed, he experienced a high level of stress on board and began wandering around the aircraft cabin.

Pilots for Icelandair Atlanta, an airline that specializes in transporting live cargo, noticed that the animal was loose and they were unable to strap it back to the stall. The plane had taken off from JFK Airport in New York, and had already traveled about an hour on the road, when the pilot began a dialogue with the control tower in the United States.

“We’re a cargo plane. We’re carrying live animals on this flight, which are horses on the plane. One animal managed to escape. We had no problems continuing to fly, but we need to get back, get back to New York. We’re not going to be able to get back,” he explained to the flight controller. Return the horse to the bay safely.”

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After receiving instructions from the control tower, the pilots warn: “To reach the ideal weight [de pouso]“We will have to burn 20 tons of fuel.” The flight controller on the ground did not understand this and asked, “Did you say you would need to jettison fuel?”

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Then the commander confirms: “Yes, sir, about 20 tons.” Then the controller says again: “I understand, you have approval to burn fuel.”

According to the website Airlive.net, which specializes in aviation, the pilots, upon their return to the airport, requested the presence of a veterinarian, because the horse that escaped “was in difficulty,” without specifying the problem.

With specialized care, the animal was tied to the stall, and the plane took off again to continue its journey and arrive in the European city after about seven hours.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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