A Fazenda 14: Deolane, Ruivinha, Bia and André in the fields

Deolane, Ruivinha, Bia Miranda e André estão na nona roça

The ninth division was formed from “A Fezanda 14”. With the groups so well defined and the house split in two, voting options were scarce. The strength of the lantern, garden members, and bands narrowed down the potential names of those locked in.

In the end, Biya and Ruivinha de Marte were the main targets in the House vote. So, Deolane, Ruivinha, Bia Miranda and André stop in the spotlight. One survives by winning the “Prova do Farmer,” which takes place on Wednesday, November 16th.

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Barbara was the first to nominate her. She put Diolane Bezerra, her main indoor rival in recent weeks, in the first chair.

“My candidacy couldn’t be different, it’s on Deolane. I couldn’t be more inconsistent with my position yet. The reasons are many, her narcissism is already out of bounds, her arrogance, her manipulative, her suppression.”

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The actress then went on to talk about her tumultuous relationship with reality’s most-followed digital influencer:

One thing I want to point out is that her gameplay is sloppy and beyond game. It threatens here beyond the bounds of “A Fazenda 14″. As long as I’m here, I’ll fight it.”

In response, Deulan denied the statement and said that all players wanted to attack at the start of the game. In addition, he defended that he tried to warn the opponent at the start of the season, but that never went through. Finally, he asserted that the threats he made to opponents were nothing more than typical lines in coordination programmes.

“I defended you from a lie people told about you. My threats are the typical ones of reality, ‘I’m going to break your face’ and all that,” he wrote.

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In addition, he criticized the way the members of the second group live the match. According to her, the team does not have the courage to enter the reality show with open arms.

“Neither you nor your little friends have the courage to support what they live here! Under such narcissistic, snobbish and arrogant circumstances, I should have done everything to earn a million riyals.”


At the beginning of the vote, Iran unlocked the power of the lamp he chose. He was immune to the second wave of Roca. Therefore, he could not obtain votes from the other pawns. Then the pawns chose another one from roceiro.

Kerlin voted for Bia
Petal voted for Ruivinha
Andre voted for Rovinia
Pele voted for Bia
Bia voted for Ruivinha
Ruivinha voted for Pia
Deolane voted for Ruivinha
Iran voted for Libya
Moranguinho voted for Ruivinha

In five votes against the board, Ruivinha finished second in the spotlight. The dynamics are starting to unfold just as the Group Two riders imagined the night before.

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lamp power

After the vote, it was Ruivinha de Marte’s turn to choose who would be the third farmhand. The choices were gulf members. I decided to withdraw Petal.

However, Pele was holding the yellow power in his hands. He needed “to replace the third worker in the field with any other, from the booth or from headquarters.” Therefore, the rapper saved Pétala and nominated Bia Miranda for the third presidency.

This, in turn, started “Resta um”. The one who was left out of the infantry priorities was Andrei, who had a discussion with Group A. Finally, the singer objected to Pia Miranda from Prova do Fazendeiro. So Gretchen’s granddaughter is already in the fields.

Farm 14: Who do you want to win the farm experience?

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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