A dog becomes ill after eating three socks and needs emergency surgery

A dog becomes ill after eating three socks and needs emergency surgery

A dog becomes ill after eating three socks and needs emergency surgery

Photo: Reproduction / Social Networks

One Bernedoodle puppy, 10 months old Her guardian panicked after eating three socks, felt ill and underwent emergency surgery. This case occurred in Dublin, Ireland.

Molly was taken to the vet by her owner Kirili Hempenstall50 years old, when he started vomiting and refusing to eat. At the scene, the dog underwent an X-ray examination, but the result was surprising as it indicated the presence of “large foreign materials” in the pet’s stomach.

The vets decided to operate and were surprised when they removed three chewed socks. Owner Kirili had no idea Molly had eaten the socks and didn’t miss any either.

Despite the fear, everything went well. Molly had to be hospitalized for two days before returning home, but has since been discharged. “She is now back to her happy state,” the owner celebrated.

Difficult issue

Veterinarian Katie Duane L. explained daily Mail Which was one of the most bizarre cases he had ever dealt with. “We x-rayed Molly to see if there was a foreign body causing her symptoms, and although we couldn’t see anything, she had a gas pattern in her abdomen that suggested an obstruction. I performed an exploratory laparotomy to identify and retrieve the foreign body that It blocks Molly’s digestive system, and she soon realizes that Molly has swallowed three socks.

Source: Redacao Terra

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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