A doctor explains the causes of the disease and warns of the diagnosis TV news

A doctor explains the causes of the disease and warns of the diagnosis TV news

last Tuesday (10), Britta Gil was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in the last part of the intestine. Cancer can be caused by factors such as obesity, low fiber intake, smoking, and alcoholism.Rodrigo Barbosa, who specializes in gastrointestinal surgery, warns of abdominal pain and discomfort.

to the newsthe doctor highlights some points that can contribute to the onset of the disease and evaluates that simple habits are able to improve the quality of life.

“Obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, a diet rich in red and processed meats, low fiber intake, smoking and alcoholism can all contribute to a diagnosis of cancer. Abdominal pain and discomfort are signs, but there may be changes in the stool, such as bleeding or a change in the shape of the stool and anal pain. And even unexplained weight loss,” he explains.

Brita Gil was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma at the age of 48, which is when the diagnosis is most likely to be made.

Since preventive colonoscopy should be done after 45 years of age, we can say that the disease is more likely to appear, but in people with a family history, you need to be well aware before that.

According to the expert, the secret to disease prevention is precisely to be aware of the causes that can lead to its appearance. He advises people to look for healthier lifestyles and leave aside the sedentary lifestyle:

With a healthy diet, with fiber, reduced intake of red meat, sausages and smoked meats, as well as physical exercise, we can reduce cases. Screening for cancer is also necessary.

“With regard to treatment, in a colonoscopy it is already possible to remove the lesions and, in more advanced cases, it may be necessary to perform surgery as well as chemotherapy. If the rectum is affected, it is necessary to perform surgery and radiotherapy. It all depends on each case ” The surgeon completes.

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Brita Gil Diagnosis

Britta Gale discovered cancer on January 10th. He was hospitalized eight days ago at Clinica San Vicente, in Rio, the artist made a post on Instagram to talk about her health. She was taken to hospital after experiencing abdominal pain.

She wrote: “I have adenocarcinoma in the last part of the intestine. I start my treatment next Monday (16) and rely on everyone’s energy to stay calm and confident.”

Through the comments, famous friends wished the singer good luck. “It’s going to be okay, in the name of Jesus. I love you,” replied Lieutenant Colonel Tata Wernick. Sending the best energies, declared actor Lázaro Ramos.

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