Is it safe to use aluminum foil in an air fryer? Big brands are responding

Is it safe to use aluminum foil in an air fryer?  Big brands are responding

a Air fryer It has gained a special place in many people's kitchens, because it represents a practical and healthy way to prepare crispy foods without the need for oil.

In this scenario, a common doubt arises when it comes to usage Aluminum foil In this versatile device: Is it safe to put aluminum foil in an air fryer?

Recommendations vary between brands, which indicates that not all brands approve of the use of foil.

Is it safe to use aluminum foil in an air fryer? See what brands are saying

Which brands allow aluminum foil to be used? – Image: Freepik / Reproduction

Britannia: Yes, but with reservations

Britannia, a well-known manufacturer of household appliances, says that it is possible to use them Aluminum foilbut with some caveats.

Here, it is recommended to only wrap the food to be cooked or the food container in the air fryer basket.

Polish: Yes, without restrictions

Polishop does not present any contraindications for the use of aluminum foil. You also agree to use thermals, grills and molds while cooking dishes without any restrictions.

Mondial: Yes, including baking paper

Mondial allows the use of aluminum foil and baking paper in the pan. According to the brand, these materials contribute to versatility in preparing various recipes.

Multiple: Yes, subject to caveats

Malte suggests using aluminum foil for various preparations, but warns that when you cover the bottom of the pot, air circulation is reduced.

It advises consumers to increase the preparation time of the dish in this case, and suggests avoiding whole sausages to avoid accidents during cooking.

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Phillips and Aletta: Not recommended

Philips Walita does not recommend the use of aluminum foil or baking paper when preparing food.

She says these materials prevent proper distribution of hot air, interfering with the result of the dish and potentially creating hazards to the device.

The company recommends using accessories such as non-stick or silicone grills and baskets.

Velko: Yes, but with conditions

Philco allows the use of aluminum foil, but with some reservations. It is recommended that the paper does not obstruct the circulation of hot air in the pan, to avoid damaging the uniform distribution of the paper heat.

Cautions against prolonged or frequent use as it may affect the function of the product.

When using an air fryer, remember to follow the instructions for your specific appliance brand to ensure best performance and safety.

(The information in this article is based on tilt gatefrom UOL.)

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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