Almost half of the PlayStation 5 releases will make it to PC

Almost half of the PlayStation 5 releases will make it to PC

From fiscal year 2025, Sony aims to release nearly half of its PlayStation 5 games on PC. The main focus will still be on consoles, but there will also be a slightly larger share on mobile and continued investment in PC hardware.

In a presentation presented by Jim Ryan on Tuesday evening (23)the company showed the evolution of its gaming presence for mobile phones and PCs from fiscal year 2019 to the last, from 2023 and 2025. From 90% of the presence in video games, the number should increase to 50 as the years go by.

Another important change in Sony’s profile is the fact that it is investing more in what is called “Games as a Service”. They are seen as an important pillar for the company’s future. The company also promises to spend a lot to ensure new franchises weigh in – but, obviously, not forgetting about the already giant PlayStation exclusive series.

Get out of the cage! PlayStation 5 becomes a “monster” for making profits

The expression is old, but yes, the PlayStation 5 is a beast out of the cage. After two turbulent years with reduced supply that was not enough for the huge demand, manufacturing returned to normal at the end of 2022, and now in 2023, there is no doubt: the device is a money-making machine for Sony. Check out all the details here.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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