6 cities with the worst traffic in the world

6 cities with the worst traffic in the world

Nobody likes to stand still passage Listen to drivers honking at all times to those in front. So imagine you are right in that state when people go to work or leave office hours. be patient!

If you are complaining about the traffic in your city, you need to know which countries are included in the list of “Worst Traffic in the World”. In many of them there is no security for pedestrians crossing and there are a large number of vehicles sharing space along the street.

Cities with the worst traffic in the world

Mumbai, India)

It is the largest city in India, with a population of 12.4 million. It is considered as one of the most chaotic cities in the world when it comes to noise, with drivers honking their horns at all times.

Bogota (Colombia)

The Colombian capital has a population of 7.3 million, and a survey has already shown that drivers spend about 11 days and 272 hours a year stuck in traffic jams.

Manila, Philippines)

This city is the second most populous city in the Philippines, with a population of 1.6 million. Traffic there is so awful that workers end up renting accommodation close to their jobs so they don’t have to go home and make the same trip the next day.

Bangalore, India)

The fourth largest city in India is located in the south of the country with a population of 8.4 million. In Bangalore, the traffic is so jammed that confusion is widespread, mingling with cars, motorbikes, rickshaws, pedestrians, bicycles and even cows!

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bangkok, thailand)

There are 8.2 million residents in the Thai capital. Bangkok has a precarious transportation infrastructure as well as little urban planning. The metro has only two bus lines. Results? It is far from a solution to the traffic problem plaguing the population.

hanoi vietnam)

The capital’s population of 6.4 million suffers from the mixture of motorbikes, cars, pedestrians, and bicycles, among others, in traffic. With everything together, the bikers dare the sidewalks.

There are many other places where traffic wreaks havoc on the lives of the residents and here we list a few of them. For the situation to improve, these countries need to invest in policies that help drivers and pedestrians, with bigger and better quality streets and safer signage and sidewalks.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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